Chapter 2

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Alright, so the "Kiss You" music video had certainly been worth the wait. Louis in swimming trunks, Louis in a skiing-outfit, Louis in a Hawaii-shirt, Louis in ... really, wasn't this illegal? Well, it should be. Let's just say that Louis certainly knew how to turn Harry's love on and Harry would definitely let him get him anything that he want (like that was any news). Harry had considered rewriting a verse in the song, just like he had in "Little Things", and send it to Zayn who had been surprisingly impressed by his previous work. However, when he reread the lyrics, he found that the song was quite accurate already. Especially:

"Oh I just wanna show you off to all of my friends

Makin' them drool down their chiney chin chins

Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight

Baby be mine tonight yeah"

Yeah... uhum, Harry could relate to that quite a lot. When he had watched the music video nine times, although never quite understanding what the video itself had to do the song - not that he was complaining because it was really disturbingly adorable somehow, he decided to take a break down in the kitchen. It had been a long day, and he was starving.

Reluctantly, he closed his laptop and exited his room. When he reached the kitchen, he saw his older sister Gemma sitting at the table located in the middle, reading a magazine. At the sound of his footsteps, she slowly looked up and saw him entering. She greeted him with a small smile. "Hello."

While walking over to the refrigerator, he smiled back at her. "Hi." He opened the refrigerator and began his thorough search for something edible, but finding nothing particularly appetizing. With a disappointed sigh, he closed it again and turned to Gemma with a frown. "Don't we have anything to eat? I need food."

Rolling her eyes, she replied. "Can't you make a sandwich or something?"

"I guess." Harry mumbled dissatisfied, while beginning his search for bread. He wasn't particularly fond of sandwiches, but a man's gotta eat, right? Plus, he could always cook a more tasty meal later. He began contemplating different meals in his head when Gemma spoke.

"So, how was your day? How did the test go?"

Harry thought back at this morning, and the test he had been trying to suppress. With a shrug, he replied. "It went alright, I suppose. How was your day?"

"It was fine, thank you."

Only nodding in response, Harry turned his focus to his sandwiches. When he was done, he returned everything to where he had found it. After, he picked up the sandwiches, planning to take them to his room so he could eat and be on Tumblr at the same time. However, he never made it that far because Gemma stopped him just as he was about to put his first step outside the kitchen.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, sounding very offended.

Harry turned around wide eyed, with a confused look on his face. "What?"

"Well," she scoffed indignantly "aren't you going to eat with me?"

"Oh." Harry said sheepish as Gemma made a hand gesture for him to sit down in front of her. "Well, alright." He agreed and began pulling out a chair for him to sit on. It wasn't as if Tumblr was going anywhere, he supposed. And besides, there's no harm in spending some quality time with you sister. Plus, you know, he usually ate pretty quickly.

"What were you going to do anyway?" She asked, looking at him rather accusingly.

Swallowing, Harry quickly tried to think of an appropriate thing to answer. He felt his cheeks getting warm, and damnit, why was he such a lousy liar? Lie, lie, lie, his mind thought frantically. Ultimately, he shrugged, trying to keep casual and replied. "Err, nothing. Just stuff."

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