Chapter 14

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Liam's POV:

It was an ordinary, cloudy Wednesday afternoon; the fourth day since Niall and Liam had been back in London, and only two days left before the last show of their tour. To say that Liam was excited would be a bit of an understatement.

And, as always before a big show (or any show really, they were all big nowadays) they had to practice their routines and such. Even if it wasn't as much of a routine as much as "Niall, you stand here, Louis, you stand here and Liam, you stay exactly where you are because you are perfect. Now, jump around and look happy." Okay, it was a bit more than that. They had to practise their cues, work on their voices so they sang in harmony, exactly where they should stand on stage, and other things, like getting used to the arena, feel the vibe. All so that they weren't completely lost when it was time for them to perform. And given that this was their last show too, they really wanted to smash it.

So that's what they were doing at the moment. Standing on stage in a circle consisting of him, Niall, Louis and Eva, their voice coach, practising their songs. They were doing that thing when Eva was snapping the beat with her fingers, and the three boys sang and it became almost like magic, the three of them completely loosing themselves in the music and doing what they loved doing the most.

They were currently working on "Over again" and had just finished the first chorus and when it was time for Louis' solo, he opened his mouth to start singing but in the blink of an eye, he glanced slightly to the right and his expression changed entirely and instead of singing, he started laughing.

Immediately, the magic was gone, the spell around them broke and Eva dropped her hands, putting them to her hips and looked at Louis disappointedly.


"I'm sorry," he giggled, smiling brightly and his eyes shining, basically looking the opposite of sorry, "Harry's pulling a funny face."


All four of them turned around and of course, sitting in a seat in the front row was Harry, looking like a deer caught in the spotlight. His eyes were wide like he hadn't been expecting the sudden attention. The arena was silent.

"I'm sorry," he said, his cheeks flushed, and unlike Louis, he actually sounded genuinely upset. It was probably Eva intimidating him. She had a way of doing that. He shrank down in his seat, like he was trying to make himself smaller. "Please don't kick me out. Just pretend I'm not here."

Instead of giving him a lecture, Eva simply turned around, rolling her eyes excessively. She probably wasn't surprised. But who was?

The first time Louis had brought Harry with him was this Monday. And immediately it was like they had known each other forever. Obviously, Liam had been expecting them to be somewhat close, seeing as the first time he had met Harry he had been hiding naked under the bed, but he was still a bit surprised at what he had discovered.

For example, there was always a minimum amount of space between them. Like, they would eat and Louis would just casually sit on Harry's lap like it was the most natural thing in the world. Or when they were standing up, it was like it was physically impossible for them to have even an inch of space between them.

Obviously, they were sometimes separated, but it always ended with someone hugging someone from behind or someone slapping someone on the arse. Liam remembered yesterday when he had been going through some details with Louis, and Harry had tiptoed up behind him and started tickling him. Louis, who had been totally unprepared, shrieked and turned around and started punching him all over, all while Harry was laughing hysterically. They ended up making out against a wall.

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