'dont worry Ivy we will get out of here'

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i get ready to make chaos

i fly high into the dark clouds and change one huge bolt of lighting and shoot it at a balitsa, 

as the bold of lightning hits. it explodes causing enough distraction, i fly down full speed shooting smaller bolts of lighting around the island. for hunter's who trap dragons for living there, aim was not amazing. 

i fly around dodging everything that the hunters threw at me. as i fly around i dont see Johan behind aiming a dragon root arrow at me. 

it hits me in the back and i crumble to the ground. with Johan looming over me. i am dragged into the cave where viggo and hiccup with toothless following went into. 

i am droped into rocks with dragon-proof chains across my legs wings and chest. krogen and Johan knew i was Ivy and for punishment, i was whipped and krogen make one scar running down my left eye i couldn't see out of it because of all the blood. i give a dragon groan and finally fade into darkness. 

as i wake up i see viggo undoing the chains around my wings my chest and legs were free. i shift a millimetre and even that startles him. i gove a feeble whine, 'dont worry Ivy we will get out of here'  

as he finished undoing the chains around my wings i stand up and feel light headed. but i stay strong. i notice viggo was grimacing in pain. i look at his back and 4 dragon root arrows where loges deeply. i nuzzle his hand.

he just smiles and keeps walking slowly. i see hiccup and toothless around the bend where the dragon eyes are. as we pass thru the entrance viggo grabs the wall while i caspase. of the ground next to toothless who runs over to me. nuzzling my head i give a faint whine. 

my hearing isn't the great because of my disyness from lack of blood. after toothless ears prick up. i start to pay attention.

hunters a thousand or so are coming down the corridor, i give a growl saying to toothless take hiccup and leave. 'you can leave Ivu if you wish' viggo says while lighting up his sword. i give a growl saying 'never' 'very well' he says while turning back to the hunters. 

i power up all my electricity in one huge bolt and aim for the hunters i shoot and the force of all the power is so large i have to cover viggo with my protective scales otherwise he would've died.

the after sock had ended and i slowly peek out. viggo was passed out under my wings. i slowly get up still weak from the loss of blood and the energy to make the blast.

i nudge viggo who stirs. he opens his eyes slowly and try's to sit up. but i push him down slowly. 

'hey I'm ok Ivy...thanks for saving me' he says softly. 

i give a growl and stand up lowering my self so viggo could sit on top of me. i walk through the caves looking for an exit.  

as after hours of looking, i see light at the end of the tunnel i speed up ever so slowly, and when i exit i have to blink my eyes a few times because of the sudden light. 

i look around and find that i am on the other side of the island. viggo is shifting on my back trying to get comfortable. i give a dragon groan and collapse on the beach. with viggo siding off of me, landing on his side. he groans. i while and starts to shrink turning into a girl, blood is still coming out of my gash from my eye. 

the last thing i see is viggo rushing over to me while pulling one of the arrows out from his back. then i float into the darkness. 

warm waters no pain.

no feelings nothing...

****time skip****

i start to wake up but then the pain comes back. i groan and then i hear a voice say 'Ivy! dont go back to sleep, you hear me!' its viggo. 

i groan again and open my eyes. everything is blurry i blink i couple of times. and viggos face is looming about 5 cm over mine. i give a feeble smile and try to sit up. but a hand gently pushes me back down. 

'not yet Ivy i am still bandaging you up' he says while moving down to my legs. then do i realise i am naked only thing the is covering me is my breast band and my pants. i blush 5 shades of red. 

viggo notices and says 'dont worry i didn't look it was necessary. we can get you more clothes from a stall were here.'

then do i notice that we are on a different island? i give a questioning look to viggo and he says 'yes i managed to persuade a sing tail to drop us off here, he or she didn't want to hang around'

i smile and when he finishes bandaging my right leg, then i sit up i tell viggo to turn around and see there are still traces of dragon root in his wounds. i grab a water skin and pour some water in the wound's he grunts in pain while i wash them out. 

when i finish it's my turn to bandage him up. 

after i am done he turns around to face me. before he could say anything. i grab the top of his shirt and smash my lips onto his. and the best thing is he kissed me back! 

when we both lean away i smile while he smirks. 'i must say that i have been guessing you have been bottling up your emotions for me.' i just nod and smile wider 

'well i must say that i like you to' viggo says 

'is it more than like?' i say teasing him 

'well i must say it's love' viggo said while inching closer to where i am sitting. 

i just smile and stand up. 'come on i need come clothes it's going to be winter soon and i am not walking around in my pants and my breast binding' i say while pulling him up. 

**time skip**

i was a changewing so i could follow viggo around because we dont know if this island was a dragon friendly one. 

there were a lot of market stalls i finally found one with the clothes that i need to i pushed still camouflaged viggo over to it he sees the clothes and buys them for me. i give a dragon grin even tho he can't see me. 

after he walks out of the market into the woods where we agreed he would meet me, i hear 3 people following him. i stay still from where he was a minite ago and clime up a tree and see 3 hunters are they they look difrent. oh well a hunter is still a hunter i change into a terrible terror and fly full pelt into viggo pushing him forwards he sees my scar over my eyes so he knows its me. 

i walk around on my back feer trying to imatate hunters. i must have looked stupid when when we got what i was trying to say the hunters where all ready here. 

'crap' i say in dragonese 

one of the huntes puts upa cross bow and says 'come with me' in a deep voice 


aha! clifhanger boo ya!


I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now