Ch.3 Betrayal

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           Y/n P.O.V
I sat there on the ground looking at the dead end alleyway. "D-Deku..." I say clenching my fists and start to cry. "Y/n?!" I hear Bakugou yell to me. I look over a see the whole class run over, even Mr. Aizawa. "T-They took M- Midoriya." I say trying to catch my breath. The next thing I knew Bakugou was hugging me, "we'll get him back. Don't worry." He said, his voice smoothe and calm. I hugged him and cried even more.

        Bakugou's P.O.V
As I hugged Y/n I could tell she cared about Deku a lot. My heart broke a little at the site of her crying for him. A I could do was comfort her, I feel so pathetic. "Thank you Bakugou." She said wiping her tears. I blushed a little, "we have to look out for each other." I said trying to sound cool. "That's right." She said smiling up at me. Mr. Aizawa contacted some pro heros to investigate the situation. I walked Y/n back home. "I'm sorry Bakugou, for being a jerk to you." She said looking at the ground. "I should say sorry to you." I say. "I called you names, laughed at you, mocked you and called you not worthy to be here. Why are you apologizing to me?" I say my face getting red. "That's just who you are." She said with a giggle. "Well, this is my home." She said looking at her home. Her eyes looked sad and her voice had a sorrowful sound to it; yet she still has the will to smile and wave goodbye.

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