Sorry I haven't updated in a long time!

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a super long time! DX I'm not motivated at all! I thought that since I wasn't at school that I would get this done in no time but, it was actually quite the opposite. Personally I think school has actually helped me write this book and keep me motivated, kind weird right?XD I did start on the next chapter(?) I can't remember but, I did start itXD I don't know when I'm going to finish it but hopefully by next week, I can promise anything though. Well hopefully I'll see you sometime next week! Till next time!

Yours truly
Also, I drew a picture of Kacchan if you want to see it. (If you want to see more of my pictures go check out my other book random crap (mostly art). It's got a lot of crappy drawings in there. Also I think one or two life stories so, yeah! Go check it out! Okay good bye for real this timeXD)

 Also I think one or two life stories so, yeah! Go check it out! Okay good bye for real this timeXD)

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