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he is a crazy duck


we are in geometry last semester, and he gets up from his chair, and his shorts are hooked on his knees, so he yanks them up, and I saw

e v e r y t h i n g

his legs and underpants were exposed and I could see the out line of 'things


now, in computing, Myles was squatted with his hoodie over his legs, and when he stood up, his shorts were nowhere in sight. like where did they go?

they were all bunched up under his hoodie, and both of his entire legs were exposed for a good 10 seconds.


and in art last semester Myles would take off his sweatshirt to put on an apron and he would always end up taking off his shirt and would be half naked for a good 2.5 seconds.

myles is wild

some of you lovely ladies might think that this is a great experience, but no.

Myles is barely 5 feet, and annoying.

rip some things you just can't unsee.

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