This is not a drill!*

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Our little Ry Pictured above

Ryland POV

When I opened my eyes, I figured I would be where I always wake up, in my bed. This is not my bed and those are not my hands trailing up my stomach, oh lord those are such manly hands. My toes curled at the pleasure racing through my body as a set of lips began to trail up my milky thighs. 'Okay Ryland we are going to lift this sheet and see what we have gotten ourselves into One, two three' I counted mentally before lifting the sheet and meeting the steel blue eyes of a literal god. His lips lifted from my skin as his dark eyes roved down from my face back to his task "Oh I'm glad you woke up" the deep timber of his voice caused a shiver to run down my spine straight to my already hard member. "I'll make you breakfast after I finish mine" His thin but soft lips quirked into a smile until his mouth engulfed me. I fisted the sheets and threw my head back into the soft pillow behind me. What is the thread count on these babies?

How is this my life? I bit into my lower lip until I tasted blood...wait blood gross why?

"...and....hey open your eyes for me" I couldn't place this voice but it shook me and I found myself sitting up with a gasp, my eyes actually opening to the reality of being on the floor of the diner and a new pain sprouting from my forehead. 'Shit, that was one hell of a daydream' I thought to myself trying to right my body and find my center in this reality. Things still seemed blurry and out of focus, I wanted to go back to that dream it was better than this.

"Jesus Christ" I hissed lifting my hand to my head rubbing the new sore spot before noticing the man wincing before me "Oh no, no,no,no" I stutterred out, it's the man from my fantasy right there in front of me and I just head butted him like a fool "I'm s-s-sorry I didn't see y-you there" I closed my eyes willing the earth to swallow me whole.

"Actually, it should be me apologizing I hit you with the door and knocked you over, spilled your coffee too" He looked over my body with a dedicated focus to see if I was alright, but I also noticed a deeper gleam one I recognize as interest 'hah no Buddy I'm off the clock for the night' I mentally scoffed at him even if he was a literal god and I rarely ever serviced half decent looking men. Good looking dudes don't usually require my services.

"Oh-oh it's fine, I'm f-f-fine real-really" I tried to stand but my head spun and I quickly grabbed onto the nearest thing to me for stability, it happened to be his heavily muscled arms, which I may or may not have had an extra feel of before I found my sore bottom once again rested upon the linoleum of the diner floor. I felt like a swooning maiden, how many times can one wish to be swallowed by the

"Whoa there slow down, you were moaning a bit while you were out, and I don't think you are okay to stand on your own yet Ryland" He spoke softly keeping his eyes intently on mine. I quickly turned to shade of a stop sign remembering the reason for the moaning, but of course he wouldn't know that he isn't a mind reader. I shook my head to rid myself of the mental images of the god beside me with his mouth on me, which caused me to wince as pain rushed through my skull 'Quit making things worse idiot' I scolded myself. Obviously I've knocked my head I am bleeding but there's been worse. 'Maybe we can convince him it's fine and leave here with a small amount of dignity? Did this man just call me by my name?' I tilted my head slightly in question, "I uhm-err I was wait how do you k-know my n-name?" I stuttered out continuing to try and assess all the damage to my head before lifting my hazy gaze to look around "H-henlo" I nodded and closed one of my eyes in a lazy pain filled wink, there were lots of eyes watching me, I realized my mistake "I uh mean -h-h-hello" I wanted to face palm but my face was already in enough pain, so much so that my bottom wasn't really complaining from the hard ground, or the nights activities. 'God if you are real, please smite me right now make it swift' Fingers snapping in front of my face once again brought my attention back to the steel eyed god beside me. Concern was etched on his face, but I really couldn't understand why. I'm not worth this kind of attention or concern, I'm just some random whore.

"I think he might have a concussion Parker" He spoke to one of the other beautiful men with him , that deep timber once again shaking something in my chest as I watched his face closely as the edges of his body seemed to dance. My heartbeat was steadily thumping in my ears keeping me from slipping back into the darkness I so hoped would consume me and end this ordeal.

"I'm f-fine I just need to get to bed and s-sleep it off" I interjected before anyone got to worried about me, I really wasn't anything they should have been concerned about unless they wanted a quick fuck, which I quickly took off the menu despite their good looks, I am not in good enough condition to service the fine gentlemen. However, Mr. Blue-eyes beside me didn't seem to enjoy the idea of me getting off the floor or something.

"No, Ryland you have a possible concussion and you are coming with me until we can get you seen by a doctor and cleared" he sighed grabbing the bridge of his nose before cupping my chin lightly causing me to hiss slightly at him. "Please?" I could see the distaste he had in using the word and honestly there was part of me that wouldn't mind being in his company for longer.

"O-o-okay only if y-you tell me this one thing though" I smiled as best I could but from the look on his face it wasn't my most charming, probably something to do with the blood.

"Shoot" He responded quickly letting go of my face and repositioning himself to scoop me into his super strong arms. 'Oh Lord he's so warm' I tried to avoid sinking into the warmth like some stray cat. How much does this man work out, I know I'm not big but he's lifting me like I weigh nothing. "What's your n-name?" I enquired while wrapping my arms around his neck, worried that I would somehow slip and hit the floor again.

"It's Hunter Armstrong." He once again answered quickly before he looked at Mrs. Beth who was hovering near by "can I get another one of his coffees to go Mrs. Beth?" He asked while standing with me in his arms and holding me close to his body turning towards the other men, one of them Parker I had assumed hiding a sly smile in his hand. "Parker grab his coffee and bring it to my car" it wasn't really a question though because he dropped money on the counter and walked out without a glance backwards and brought me out into the cold air. The night air felt like an ice pack on my sore face and I relished in its relief.

He moved quickly down the street not tiring from holding me and showing no signs of strain, which I find insanely attractive in a man. I knew he was built from my brief grab at his arms and his overall presence in the small diner. He was comfortable his body heat and the gentle sway in his gait was starting to lull me to sleep. My eyes closed before I really had a chance to stop them but then a cold feeling against the skin not covered by my mesh shirt startled them right back open.

"There's those beautiful eyes" the man, nay the god Hunter cooed at me, before I was being placed inside a car. 'How was he able to shift me around so well without putting me down?' my mind wondered while he reclined the seat slightly and put on the seatbelt. However, the click of the seatbelt was too much for me and a horrible rush came up from my belly 'No we are not going to throw up in this nice car THIS IS NOT A DRILL' I scolded myself and swallowed the bile back down, it burned and it was awful causing secondary gagging and a burn in my nose. (yes I know it's gross to swallow your own puke let's move on)

Hunter leaned down to give me a look at stash the coffee in his hand in the cup holder "Did you just throw up in your mouth?" he arched one of his perfect brows at me and pursed his thin lips at me.

"Uhm-I, well-I" I mumbled incoherently at him as I blushed from my forehead to my chest at being caught doing something so gross, but I couldn't move fast enough to get out of the car, especially with him standing in the door. "I di-didn't want to th-throw up in your, in your car and couldn't g-get out" I averted my gaze sheepishly to the floor answering him. "S-so-orry??" I offered since I probably grossed him out, because let's face it I'm not winning any prizes this evening, unless there's one for 'reddest tomato'. 

and that's it for this chappie folks

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