Risky Business*

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Ya'll 100 reads I can't even.. Thank you guys for reading so far and I hope you like the book thus far... Xo you guys have made my night ( awwwe we are well over 100 reads now, but this was still such an amazing feeling to this day)

Spanx and tongue lashes

Hunters POV

I could hardly concentrate enough to actually cook anything that required any semblance of skill so I just made peanut butter and jam sandwiches and quickly grabbed my laptop to type up a mock contract for Ryland if he chooses to stay with me, it is 100% his choice and if he made the choice to leave I'd still help him out with rent money. My heart was frantically beating in my chest as I waited for him, typing a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo favouring Ryland greatly. This isn't the kind of contract I really wanted him to sign but maybe through him living here we can explore that verbally of course, always maintaining respect and consent with him.

I printed the contract and just managed to get back on the stool by the island before I heard his soft footsteps on the stairs, a smile spread across my lips and I couldn't help the odd warmth heating up my body. I quickly schooled my face into my regular business face and watched as Ryland risky Business'd in front of the kitchen door. I heard a soft cuss before he sheepishly walked back into the room looking at his feet. 'I am a Dom I am in control I will not laugh' I chanted internally doing my best not to laugh at his adorkable nature. However, my eyebrow inched its way up in amusement and my resolve slowly melted allowing a deep bellowing laugh to emerge.

"Why Hello there, Tom" I joked trying to get the boy to relax and look at me.

"Whose Tom?" He asked, and I almost fell right off my stool he doesn't know what I'm talking about, does this mean I'm just really old now. A frown covered my face as I rethought the entire situation with Ryland. Perhaps he is way too young and this is a terrible idea, what on Earth am I doing, lusting after such a young kid. A soft sound pulled me from my inner spiral before it registered as Rylands laugh. Looking over to the boy I noticed he was doubled over clenching his side, his laughter had disappeared, but his body was moving in a weird way. Before I could get up to check on him a snort echoed through the kitchen and his laughter rang out again

"y-you should have" he took another giggle break "seen your face p-priceless" He righted himself wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. I honestly couldn't fault him for laughing at me like I would have if he were my Sub, it was also actually pretty funny and I found myself chuckling while he tried to catch his breath.

"Alright there, piglet "I shot back before grabbing his sandwich and setting it in front of him. His eyes bulged out of his head and he quickly backed up from the counter. A quick and alarming change from the boisterous laughter before. 'Is he afraid of a sandwhich?'  I stupidly questioned myself

"Is that a Peanut butter and strawberry jam?" He asked meekly from the corner like he's having a panic attack, and my heart aches as I take it quickly and toss it in the garbage.

"It was, I'm sorry I won't make them again if they upset you" I answered not wanting him to feel uncomfortable, I moved closer to him but stopped myself before touching him

"Uhm it's just allergies I can't have anything with Strawberry in it" He spoke softly before looking up at me, his beautiful green eyes flickering with question and the faint pink in his cheeks caused something in me to stir again. He rubbed the back of his neck and shuffled his feet "Which I guess is something you'll have to know since we'll be living together"

"Oh my god, do you need an epi pen? do you need to go to the hospital? I'm so sor- wait" Halfway through my tirade my brain caught on to what he said after the Jam part. "You are going to move in?" I asked trying to suppress the glee from my face and voice I was a Dom and I don't do giddy, but god damn is everything coming together.

"th-that's what I said Captain Obvious Questions" He smiled, seemingly becoming more confident around me. I smiled back and nodded holding myself back from touching his face I turned and sat back down before patting the stool beside me and laying out the contract and stifling a yawn. I was way more tired than I should be and checking the clock it was just after 1am 'yup I'm getting old' I conceded.

The contract was simple enough, only two pages and it stated that I wouldn't be allowed to kick him out of the house for any unreasonable reason, he would be able to leave anytime he wanted and he could pay me any amount he wanted up to a limit of $300 a month. I really didn't need any back-round checks on him or a credit check since I knew what he currently did for work. I would change that as soon as I am able. I watched as Ryland looked over the contract with his lip between his teeth, once again my dick decided it wasn't going to behave and it began inflating in my pants causing me to shift on the stool. Ryland thankfully was too concentrated on contract to pay my problematic phallus any attention.

"h-hey Hunter, this contract seems too good to be true" He whispered playing with the pen between his fingers, he really does fidget a lot when he's nervous a habit less cute than the stutter but one that will be fixable if he becomes my sub.

"It's a good deal for you, but I want you to feel comfortable and secure" I sighed and then smiled softly "Your happiness is my top priority and selfishly if your happy then I'm happy and I like being a provider." I may have over-shared, but his eyes glistened for a moment before he signed his name on the last sheet and filled in the minimal personal info I asked for.

Name: Ryland Andrew McKenna


Occupation: Male Companion of the Night

Marital Status: Single

Pets: None

I once again found myself chuckling "Male companion of the night, interesting word choice" I commented before signing my name at the bottom of the last sheet and dating it.

"I really didn't think putting Prostitute would have been appropriate for a legal document" He answered briskly, a coldness coming to his eyes. I watched him rebuild his walls and it made me instantly sad, I thought we were moving forward a bit but apparently, I once again overstepped the boundaries and he shut himself off from me again.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Ryland, please don't block me out now" I reached out and gently put my hand on his thigh to let him know I was sincere and that I was still here with him no matter what his job was. Although I didn't like it, I didn't have a say in what the boy did yet.

I fiddled with the papers, making sure all two pages were neat before I stood, "I'm going to hit the sack because I'm fairly tired and I really think you should go to bed as well we can talk more in the morning" I tried to make my voice soft so it didn't seem like a command but he had a long night and probably also needed the sleep. I needed him to be fresh for when the doctor comes over to give him a check-up and a little blood test plus we need to talk more about tonight's events in detail because I was going to try and find the bastards that did this to my boy and make them pay. Before I knew it I was leaning forward to give his forehead a quick peck before taking off to my room. I don't know why I did it, but it felt so right in the moment, and I wanted to do it for the rest of my life. Sappy I know but something about Ryland called to me in a way nothing on the planet has before and I was already in way too deep.

By the time I got myself ready for bed I was akin to a zombie, so I dropped face first onto my bed and began to drift off just like that. However, a soft voice brought me back to the land of the living and I looked towards my door to see a blushing boy holding on to the bottom of his shirt looking small and adorable.

"C-C-could I sleep in h-here please, I-i'll sleep on the ch-chair" He stuttered without looking at me, and my heart did a flip flop. I had to answer quick before this meek boy would run away and I'd miss my chance.

"You can sleep in the bed with me, it's big enough for the two of us and if at any point you get uncomfortable, I will sleep on the couch" I smiled pulling the other side of the blanket down as I shifted to my side of the bed staying on top of the sheets, I ran hot anyways so I didn't need the covers. "Also pillow wall" I added knowing that might also help him feel secure before patting the bed I closed my eyes so he wouldn't feel so intimidated, which I guess worked since I felt the other side of the bed dip and heard the blankets ruffle.

"Thanks Hunter" He yawned softly, but if he said anything after that I probably missed it because I fell asleep with images of a wonderful future flitting through my head.

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