Pet *

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That's Hunter up there... You are welcome *drool* hello Daddy DO not judge me I am an old lady and Joe up there has always been my type haha

This chapter has a lot of things added to it so if you've read choke feel free to re-read this chapter, I'm just filling in some alarming plot holes....going for a third us all

I tried my hardest not to recoil from him when he confirmed he did in fact swallow his own vomit. It was endearing that he didn't want to ruin the interior of my baby he's such a sweet boy. 'I need to make him mine somehow' my mind whispered as I watched his sweet mossy eyes closing once again, and I knew from experience not to let him sleep right away. "Oh no you don't come on Ryland, wake up for me you can't go to sleep just yet" I shook his shoulder, but it was really no use I need to get him home and call someone over to check on him. Turning to Parker who still had a sly smile on his face I sighed. "What?" I huffed at him sick of the look on his face. I was already stressed from hurting the boy, and the feelings I was having when I looked at him, I didn't need Parkers shit too.

"Oh nothing just watching you dote over your new boy, I don't think he's a regular of the club, we would've noticed him before especially in that outfit" Parker noted, I had also noticed his attire but I suppose it didn't seem out of the ordinary since we had just left the club. However, he is right I hadn't seen Ryland there before I would have noticed him long before now with his fire coloured hair and piercing green eyes, that soft milky white skin dotted ever so lovingly with freckles and wait, are those "bruises" I mumbled out loud leaning closer to the boy to examine him. "He's probably some club kid, or maybe he has been at your club Parker and just wore a hood, or tonight was his first time coming out" I was trying to reason with myself while I got my thoughts in order, somehow this boy just showed up and turned my world on it's head. This isn't some fairytale; this isn't how it's supposed to happen is it?

"I'm going to take him back to my place now and get Paul over then let him sleep it off and watch over him, thankfully I don't have anything to do tomorrow, night Parker,bye Mitch" I waved them off while heading to the driver's side and climbing in. Speeding home wasn't a problem since the roads were deserted at this hour and I just wanted to get this sweet angel into a comfy bed and keep an eye on him.

Once inside my house I carried him bridal style to my bedroom since the guest room wasn't fully finished yet. "you could stand to gain a few pounds you are to light for your size" I made a list of things we would have to work on once he woke up, fully in mother hen mode. Placing him gently on the bed I began the mental debate of whether I should strip his clothes off now or let him sleep in them, though it can't be comfortable to sleep in such tight fitting pants. I made the choice quickly to strip him of them gently moving his mesh shirt out of the way I noticed deep bruising on his hip bones right above his pant line an anger surged through me that someone else had marred his beautiful skin, someone who wasn't me. Bruises brought by pleasure were different than those of pain, and these certainly looked more painful. Shaking my head, I got to the job at hand and undid his pants slowly pulling them down, a sigh pulled my attention to his face before I gave a sharp tug and got his pants to his thighs. "Oh" Arching one of my eyebrows my attention was stolen to the boys crotch, since he wasn't wearing any underwear, an interesting choice in the style of pants he was wearing, but I'm not going to complain. Yes I know looking at his cock whilst he is sleeping isn't the gentlemanly thing to do, but I had a moment of weakness before the tightening of the front of my pants reminded me to quickly move on 'Fucking pervert' I chided myself. I carefully extracted the pants from him and tossed my sheet and black blanket over him before pulling my reading chair away from the large window and placing it beside the bed. I grabbed my phone and called Paul, he was a doctor and for enough money he would make house calls, and the void inside me was whispering to spend every cent I had on this beautiful boy. There was no rhyme or reason to it, but the universe brought him to me and it felt like it was my job to take care of him.

The phone rang three times before a groggy voice answered on the other side "Mmm Hello"

"Sorry to bother you so late at night, it's Hunter Armstrong, I need you to come to my place and do a little check up on a boy" I spoke in a hushed tone, not to alarm the sleeping angel or Paul.

"What did you do Hunter? You aren't usually one to hurt your subs" He answered, and I scoffed into the phone. "Tch, no Paul I didn't hurt him, well I did" Thinking about it it's true I did hit him with the door and hurt him "but it wasn't on purpose, I hit him with a diner door, and he fell and knocked his head on a stool and busted his face and lip, and then he head butted me when he regained his consciousness"

"That sounds like he could have a mild concussion, I can come by in the morning and check him out" Paul paused and yawned " Later in the morning since it's bloody 3am Hunter, he will be okay just wake him up every 2-3 hours if he doesn't wake-up call an ambulance"

"Thanks Paul see you in the morning, sorry for waking you, good night" I responded and looked over to Ryland in my bed with a soft smile on my lips. One of my favourite things is caring for my subs and I was going to spoil this one rotten that's for sure. I was fully delirious and completely ignoring the little voice in my head telling me to slow it down.

"Goodnight Hunter" He croaked and hung up.

Setting the alarm on my phone I sat in the chair next to the bed and tried to keep my mind busy, not wanting to fall asleep while I was waiting to wake him. The idea struck me like a thunderbolt 'Get the paperwork ready for him, maybe he will fill this hole in my life'. "yes" I whispered leaving my room to head to my home office to print a new contract for him. With a blank basic contract in my hands I headed back to my room and dropped into my comfy chair before taking a pen to the papers and making some minor changes. Such as the term length hoping he would agree to being full time and try 6 months instead of the standard 3 I usually do. I filled out what my hard limits were because even as a Dom there are things, I'm not willing to do to a Sub. The words on the page started to blur and my yawn came out rather Chewbacca like, sheepishly covering my mouth I peeked over at the sleeping angel in my bed. Well there's 30 minutes until my alarm goes off so I can close my eyes for just a second.

I woke up to the sounds of paper shuffling and a loud gasp. "What the-" I grumbled rubbing my hand over my face shaking the sleep away before spotting my angel on the bed surrounded by my paperwork with a look of fear on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked stretching my arms over my head, a bit dazed from the abrupt wake up.

"W-w-what in the hell is this sh-shit Hunter and why is m-m-my name on it" he shouted shoving the papers in my face, noticeably where his first name was on the cover of the contract. Again, my sleep addled brain couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on. I'm not a very smart man when I'm first awoken, I need a full coffee before the computer boots up.

"It's a contract Pet why are you yelling?" The pet name slipped off my tongue before I could catch it. I couldn't get my thoughts together fast enough to grab the poor boy as he scrambled off my bed to the corner of the room looking like I just asked him if I could eat his heart.

'Shit, I fucked this up' my slow mind added.

Ruh roh, Hunters in trouble! also don't forget to vote if you like the story so far

I am aware of Hunter being the creepiest...*shrug* you'll love him by the end of this I hope

Tip from Mama

don't assume it makes an ass out of u and me :P

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