Contract *

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Rylands POV

I woke up again with my head throbbing, and in a bed that wasn't mine because the sheets aren't scratchy enough against my skin, again they felt like silk against me 'oh no, it's that dream again' I convinced myself but I don't recall actually going home. This time it seems I am legit not home or asleep, I carefully pushed the sheets off and took in my surroundings. There was a beautiful crafted mirror across from the bed and I startled, at the horror show which was my face, it was black and blue and I have dried blood crusted on my face under my nose and at the corner of my lip 'what the hell happened last night?' I asked myself not getting any sort of voice from Jimney but that's okay he hasn't been around in a few years, I'm pretty sure he's pissed that I keep selling myself instead of getting a real job.

Stretching my arms over my head my back gave a glorious pop before I was alerted of the other pain I was still feeling in my ass. 'Mmm yep that seems about right' I thought twisting my abdomen to the left in a stretch. I had to cover my mouth with my hands which surged pain through my body, but I didn't want to scream and wake my captor up that was dangerous and such a basic move and I am not a basic bitch. So, I sat there and stared at him like a creepy weirdo until the pieces of my memory slowly trickled in, the fall, smashing my face, the car. I quickly shook that memory away before it fully formed but the disgust with myself settled in my stomach anyways and the taste of bile saturated my mouth. This glorious human beside me in all his slumbering wonder is Hunter and he took me home to take care of me because I have a concussion, because he smashed a door into me, and I fell, hitting my face right into a stool by the counter. Every statement I made to myself was followed by a head bob and a wince because my head was still killing me. 'stop moving your head idiot' I chided myself.

Hunter shifted in his sleep, probably trying to find a more comfortable way to sleep in a chair, and a handful of papers fell from his lap. "Oh oops" I whispered moving over to the edge of the bed to collect the papers for him. Smiling to myself for a good deed done, does this make us even now? I straightened them up and casually looked down, because maybe I'll learn something new about my knight in shining armor 'Is he still a knight if he caused the problem in the first place?' I wondered before my gaze found my name written on the page. Curiosity was a flaw of mine, but it says my name, so I feel like I have a right to read this. So, I did.

I moved back to the center of the bed I began skimming through what looked to be some sort of weird contract. This man wanted to practically own me like a dog and do all sorts of crazy and kind of sexy things to me but why. This is too much, was he never going to let me go home. Have I been kidnapped, no I have been Person napped "I need to get out of here" I whispered to myself before Hunter shifted and began to wake up causing a gasp to fall from my lips.

"What's wrong" Hunters deep and sexy morning voice soothed me for a moment before I really thought about it, 'WHAT'S WRONG, YOU ARE TRYING TO HIJACK ME SIR' I screamed in my head. However, my mouth had other plans and I managed to stutter out a weak "what in the hell is this shit and why is my name on it" Classy I know, but who is eloquent when their captor is in the room, they just woke up and they've for sure bonked their noodle good and decent.

I shoved his paperwork in his face before withdrawing to the other side of the bed shaking from fear and a small bit of adrenaline. Once again, his answer flabbergasted me "it's a contract pet why are you yelling?" So casual like he's telling me about the weather. I think my slack jawed look may have shook him for a moment. His sharp eyes seemed to focus more as the fear continued to build. I jumped from the bed and got in the corner "P-pet? a contract? y-you want to own me?" I tried to sound tough honest, but I'm terrified. "You w-want to own me like, like some animal, is th-that why I'm here? Did you kn-kn-knock me out on purpose?" I flailed my arms about wildly as if I was doing some sort of interpretive dance before looking down as I felt other parts of my body waving more freely than they should be. My jaw must've hit the floor as I raised my fear filled eyes to his sleepy ones "WH-WHERE ARE MY P-PANTS?" I began to hyperventilate as the panic of the situation set in. 'Did I get raped, could it even be rape given my line of work, would anyone actually believe that this seemingly rich stud raped a whore like me? Shit, SHIT, shit'  I can't believe this is my life right now!

I started to get lightheaded an blackness began to cloud my vision, before I hit the ground strong arms were around me holding me up and I felt his warm breath on my head "No, Ryland I don't want to own you like a pet I thought" He stopped talking for a second before I was in his arms like a bride on her wedding day. He carefully sat me on his bed and backed up to pick something off the floor 'Ah my pants' relief washed over me seeing them I needed the small amount of protection they brought me. "I thought you would understand, I didn't realize you weren't already in the life" He spoke holding out my pants.

I cocked my head to the left slightly going over his words, before snatching my pants and motioning for him to turn around so I could put them on. I know he's already seen everything I have to offer but I needed this small amount of decency right now. He turned and I hopped up and wiggled into my pants. "The life?" I questioned, did he think that just because I sell my body I would be okay with being bought like a flipping cat, 'OH hell no'. I quickly grabbed the papers and began to rip them causing the big man himself to turn around with his brows furrowed "You, you think j-just because I've been forced to sell myself for food and shelter you can just buy me like a F-F-FUCKING CAT, because you have all this money well guess what Mr! Slavery was ab-ab-ab "I stopped to inhale and center myself again "abolished and I d-don't plan on being owned by anyone. I'd r-r-rather go back to my box under the interstate than have the likes of you owning me and, and " I looked down at the papers until I found the list of limits as it was called "tying me to a ah-uhm bench and uhm" I skimmed the words until I found something that sounded bad "fl-flogging me" I accented my rage with a glare and tossing the papers in the air before I fled the room, I didn't know where I was going or where exactly I was but I was going to get home. I was going to forget about Hunter Armstrong, and I was going to move on with my life.

Once I got into the hallway, I found the stairs quickly, but I could tell Hunter was hot on my heels "hey wait a second Ryland no, you've got it all wrong" He yelled after me. His words didn't really register, and I stopped at the bottom of his stairs and looked up at him, I knew my eyes were filling with tears I could feel them streaking down my face.

"Please let me g-go home" I roughly wiped at my cheeks and watched the fight leave Hunters eyes, he gave me a tight nod and looked away swallowing hard. I turned my back on him and tried to find the front door. I wish I could have spent time here looking around because the house was stunning. A warm hand on my shoulder stopped me and my entire body froze in fear, my heartbeat was pounding in my ears and I briefly began to shake before the hand dropped away.

"Can I drop you off at home?" Hunters tone was hopeful, but the idea of this man who wanted to keep me like a cat knowing where I lived put me off. However, it was like he could read my mind "Actually can I drop you off at the Diner, I feel like that would be safer for you and I owe you a coffee" He tried, and for a moment I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how sweet he was, since he wanted me to feel comfortable, but the contract flashed in mind and soured the thought.

"I'll j-just take the ride to the Diner if that's oh-okay " I couldn't turn or look at him but he placed a warm hand on my lower back and walked me to his front door without another word. The drive was awkward and quiet, I could tell he wanted to say more or explain something to me but he was smart and apparently he could read me. I curled up on myself and looked out the window at the beautiful houses as they passed us. I wished I could live someplace like this but that wasn't in the cards for a person like me, I deserved my tiny apartment in the bad part of town. Actually, I deserved a box, I just could never decide if it should be above or below ground. No, I'm too much of a coward to go with that second option.

We pulled up to the Diner and thankfully Hunter didn't make a move to get out, I glanced at him for a moment and watched him reach into his center console and pull out a card "Call me if you need anything, or if you want an explanation for last night" he spoke softly as if he was trying to avoid spooking me again "Also please go get your head checked, you might have a concussion have someone with you all day, I had a doctor coming this morning, but you can handle it" His voice seemed sad and empty, his eyes lost that glint I saw so often the night before. It made my chest ache for some reason but I pushed the feeling aside and opened the door.

"See you Hunter" I gave him a half-hearted smile and exited the car, walking the long way to my place, taking turns I didn't need to like he was tailing me. I wasn't going to look back and find out, I was going to move forward. Clutching his card in my hand I tried to force myself to toss it away, but I couldn't. 

Buying people is bad, don't do that

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