Chapter 6

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Taehyung was outside struggling with the guards to let him in .., he  came back from work and found out that jisoo's condition worsened so he ran towards her room, he tried to get in but the guards stopped him. He was feeling so helpless as he felt his whole world falling apart, he was screaming at the top of his lungs to let him see her even if it's just for a second. At that moment his rational thoughts were thrown out of the window..

All the memories he had shared with her were flashing right in front of his eyes as he desperately tried to get out of their grip.. he cried and pleaded to let him in...

Suddenly he froze as fear of losing her dawned on him. All fight left his body as he collapsed on his knees and let the guards drag him away.

" Don't go jisoo."  He whispered.



"What do you like the most about me?"
She said as she cuddled in his chest.

"Everything" he said without a single thought.

"No! You need to choose only one thing .."

"I can't."

"Oh come on there must be something that you like the most about me.."

Taehyung just hummed

"Okay  fine"she pouted "tell me what do you like the most about my face?

Taehyung took a moment and pretended to think really hard which caught jisoo's interest as she watched him with her  curiosity filled  eyes.

"Your eyes" he replied...

"My eyes? But why?" She asked.

" I can't describe your eyes, but when they're looking at me.....My heart, it beats so fast & I can't seem to breathe"

She was speechless,so she buried her face into his chest.. taehyung just laughed as he wrapped his arms around her.

She could hear his heartbeat clearly
"Your heart is beating fast"she whispered " just like mine."



It had been an hour since he was sitting on the bench in the corridor when doctor Chaeyoung arrived and sat beside him.. he watched her with eyes full of sorrow, he looked  like a broken man who had lost everything in his life.

"Taehyung," Chaeyoung said " we were able to stabilize jisoo's heart, She's fine now or as fine as she could be but..., we can't keep her alive for long on the ventilator. She is not gaining consciousness....., Heart transplant is still an option but it's too risky because she's too weak to undergo a surgery and on top of that we are unable to locate a suitable heart donner  in this area."
She watched taehyung who was finding it really hard to digest the fact that he was running out of time  and options to save jisoo.

"C-can I s-see her" he said with a voice full of uncertainty..., Chaeyoung's face showed disapproval she didn't want to disturb jisoo. "j-just fo-for a minute.. p-please I'm begging you.. I won't t-take long." Noticing the  desperation in his tone softened her expressions " just 5 minutes.. I can only give you that much. "

He walked into the room as he sat beside jisoo and held her hand in his. " Don't s-scare me like that " he whispered.

He kissed her hand, than he moved closer to her face and kissed her forehead.  A sad smile appeared on his lips as he spoke his next words

" Don't worry... I won't let you die, even if it kills me..., I'll fight death just so you could breathe, because I love you..."

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