Chapter 7

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After two months of marriage jisoo's condition started getting worse, she would have high fever, or pain in the heart but she would always hide it from taehyung.. she never wanted to worry him so she endured, she knew what was happening, her heart was giving up on her. Every day she prayed to live a little longer just so she could see his face smiling at her.

But everything can't happen according to ones will. One day taehyung come back home from work when he found jisoo passed out on the floor, he immediately held her in his arms and called the ambulance, she was getting so cold, he cried and cried for her to not leave him until the ambulance arrived.

The doctors told him what he already knew, her heart was hardening and her body was shutting down....., She wouldn't be able to live long unless she receives a suitable heart, even than the chances of her survival were slim. They said she might not gain consciousness.

Each word they said was just like a bullet, hitting his heart, no matter what he tried, the chances of saving her were getting slimer but he never once thought of giving up on her.

Taehyung would return from work and always stayed by her side, he hated the smell of hospitals so he'd always decorate her room with flowers, he would talk to her about the silliest things secretly hoping to get some response from her ... But he never did. After few weeks her health dropped so much that she was being kept alive artificially, her internal organs were starting to get seriously damaged too. Everyone told taehyung to let her go, he was making her suffer but he never listened to them instead he isolated himself from his friends and family.

Jisoo was breathing and that was enough for him, but the latest events were making him question his decision, was he really being selfish? Was wanting to keep a loved one alive crime? How could he let her die so easily when there was still a chance of her survival, no matter how small it was.


Taehyung was sitting on the chair beside jisoo, he was holding her hand in his like always as he whispered reassuring words to her when Doctor Chaeyoung entered the room, she had a big smile plastered on her face as he walked towards them, "I have a good news for you guys," this seemed to caught taehyung's attention, " what is it." he said.

"Well we have arranged a donner for jisoo, though I don't know much about it as  doctor seok is the in charge of heart transplant, he has just returned from Canada and not to mention he is the best doctor in the world, I  am positive that our jisoo would be able to live a normal life again." Doctor Chaeyoung smiled.

She was looking at taehyung, his expressions were really calm as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, there was a genuine smile on his face for first time in a long time,
"She would be able to live again, that's all I need to know, thank you so much doctor."

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