Starry Night

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Late Afternoon of the Next Day

Jeremiah stands in the forest, sharpening some sticks to make his own homemade bolts as he sits on a log. Clementine notices him from the gate and opens it, stepping outside and closing it behind her as she approaches him. "Hey. Making your own bolts?" Clementine asks as she holds him. "Yeah. Been running low recently and thought it's better to be safe than sorry." Jeremiah answers. Clementine nods and remains quiet. "I have to take watch again today." Jeremiah calls out, looking behind him as he looks at Clem. Jeremiah finishes sharpening the stick and places it in the quiver. "Vi and I have been talking about taking some people in." Jeremiah announces. "What for? We're doing just fine." Clementine replies. "To make our home more protected." Jeremiah answers. "But that means more mouths to feed and more runs." Clementine responds. "I know. Food is becoming scarce around here and I had to run into town a few times just to bring back food." Jeremiah replies. "I would imagine that animals are reproducing since it's summer, but maybe it's because we're not the only ones hunting around here. We have the walkers, other animals, us, maybe even outsiders." Jeremiah finishes. "At least we still have the river." Clementine calls out. "Yeah, but for how long? When winter hits, it'll freeze the river and we won't be able to get fish." Jeremiah replies. "We could always break the ice to get the fish." Clementine mocks. "Don't you start, Miss Sassy." Jeremiah mocks back. "Oh yeah? What're you gonna do, tough guy?" Clementine teases. "I'll fight you." Jeremiah teases back. "Bring it on." Clementine jokes as she feels Jeremiah stand up. She stands up and they begin play fighting, laughing together until Jeremiah trips as he falls with Clementine on top of him, making them both nervously chuckle. "That was..." Clem stops, trying to think of the right word. Jeremiah then leans up as Clementine kisses him back, falling into the moment as they connect and disconnect their lips smack. "Jeremiah? Clem?" Ruby yells from inside, making them stop kissing and quickly glance at the school with wide open eyes. Clem sighs, "we should probably be getting back. The moon'll be up soon." Clementine finishes. "Yeah." Jeremiah replies as he raises himself off of the ground. The two begin walking back to school, hand in hand as they slowly approach the gate.

Evening, 12:00 A.M.

As Jeremiah stands by the gate with his arms crossed, staring through the bars, Clementine stands next to him and stares through the bars too. "Whatcha doing?" She asks. "Keeping a look out." Jeremiah answers. Clementine nods as all is quiet except for the cool breeze that blows around them. "I should be going to bed. It's getting late." Jeremiah calls out. "I'll see you tomorrow, Clem." Jeremiah replies as he places his hand on her hip as Clem places her hands on his face as he begins to lean in. She stops him as they face each other. "Do you have time to hang out first?" Clementine asks as her beautiful brown eyes shine in the night. "Of course." Jeremiah answers. Clementine smiles and feels his hand wrap around her hip, smiling even more. "Follow me." She whispers. "Where are we going?" Jeremiah asks. "You'll see." Clementine answers quietly. They begin walking as they enter inside the bell tower, stepping up the stairs. After a minute, they finally reach the top as they see the pale moon above them. "I've never been up here before." Jeremiah calls out as they lean against a railing of the balcony. "This used to be damaged, but we fixed it, along with other buildings and made many improvements." Clementine replies. "You guys did a good job." Jeremiah calls out, seeing Clementine smile as she looks at him. Jeremiah takes Clem's hands and places them in his as she smiles, slowly shoving him down as she sits on his lap with his hands on her hips, passionately kissing as their lips smack. Clementine pulls away and wraps her hands around the back of his neck, staring into his eyes as the moonlight makes them glisten. "Heh." Jeremiah chuckles, seeing Clem smile and raise an eyebrow. "What?" Clementine asks. "Today's my birthday. Twenty years old now." Jeremiah answers. "Happy birthday, babe." Clementine replies, kissing his cheek and pinching them as they laugh together. They stop and Clem sighs, making Jeremiah concerned. "Have you..." Clementine stops as Jeremiah tilts his head at her. "It's okay, Clem. Ask." Jeremiah replies. Clem sighs, "have you thought about... sex before?" Clementine nervously asks, making Jeremiah's eyes widen. She blinks twice before opening her mouth in confusion. "I... never thought about it. I've had a sister to protect and haven't really thought about it, nor did I have someone to have it with." Jeremiah answers. "Do you... d- do you think you could have it? With me..?" Clementine asks nervously as Jeremiah grins. "Is this what you want, Clem?" Jeremiah asks. "It is. Ever since we kissed and done more as a couple, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I- I want this. I... I NEED you, Jeremiah. Please... please fuck me..." Clementine pleads as Jeremiah stares at her. "Please..." she begs as she begins moving her body around on his lap, feeling his erection. Jeremiah grins as Clem feels her neck getting kissed and sucked on, making her close her eyes and let out moans, motivating Jeremiah to do more. "Oh, God, Jeremiah..." Clem passionately moans. Jeremiah pulls away from her neck and Clementine removes her jean jacket, throwing it to the floor and unzipping her white hoodie, revealing her undershirt as Jeremiah stares. "Why not do this one for me?" Clem teases while she bites her lip, feeling her shirt rise up as Jeremiah did as she asked. He now can see her in her sports bra, wondering what's underneath. Clementine grins and removes her bra, revealing her breasts as she smiles at Jeremiah. "Do- Do you like them?" She asks, knowing this is the first time she's shown her breasts to anyone. "Are they good enough? Are they too big? Too small?" Clementine asks herself. Jeremiah smiles, "they're perfect, Clem. I love them." Jeremiah answers as he begins kissing them. "Ahhhh..." Clementine passionately moans as she's being pleased by the kissing and the sucking of her breasts. "Jeremiah..." "hm?" "Let me have a turn..." Jeremiah grins and Clem removes his leather vest and begins unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his stomach as Clem grins and traces the outlines of his abs. "I'd like it if this shirt was one hundred percent off." Clementine announces, watching Jeremiah unbutton and remove his shirt and tossing it to the side. Clem smiles and backs him down by the palm of her hand as they kiss passionately, connecting and disconnecting their lips as she feels Jeremiah move his hands slowly to her butt, squeezing her cheeks as she giggles. "A giggle?" Jeremiah questions while raising an eyebrow. He smacks it and she moans, making Jeremiah smile. "Much better." He replies. "Just love me." Clementine responds. Jeremiah sits up and unzips Clem's pants. "Wait. I have to... take my foot off." Clementine calls out. "Okay." Jeremiah replies as he waits for Clementine to remove her prosthetic foot. "I'm never gonna get used to this thing." Clementine announces, making Jeremiah chuckle. "Back to it." He replies, lowering her jeans and revealing her panties, looking up at Clem as she smiles. He begins tracing the line of vagina and she shudders and moans with every trace, showing signs to Jeremiah. "Mmmmm," Clem moans. Jeremiah removes her panties and reveals her vagina, seeing her smooth surface as it's slightly open and glistening wet. Jeremiah smiles and lowers himself down to her area, kissing it and licking it as she twists and turns while moaning, feeling pleased as Jeremiah continues. He then slides two fingers inside her, making her gasp and going back to the moaning as he licks her and moves them in and out of her tight, wet vagina. "Jeremiah..." Clem calls out as she moans. "Hm?" Jeremiah replies as he pops his head up. "I need you... please fuck me..." Jeremiah smiles and Clem shoves him down, unbuckling his belt and throwing it to the side as she unzips his pants, sliding them down as his erected penis flops up in his boxers, making them look like a tent. "Oh..." she calls out. "What?" Jeremiah asks. "It's... really big." She replies, still shocked and amazed at the sight of his penis. "Don't be afraid. Slide them down." Jeremiah announces, watching as Clem lowers his boxers and revealing his manhood. She wraps her hand around it and begins stroking it. "I've never done these things before..." Clem calls out. "It's okay. I haven't either. We'll just have to learn as we go." Jeremiah replies, seeing Clem slightly smile as she continues stroking his penis. She then lowers herself to his tip and licks it, placing her mouth around his erected, hard penis and attempting to please him as she bops her head up and down. "Ah, fuck." Jeremiah announces out of pleasure. This only shows Clem that what she's doing is right and pleasing her boyfriend, only motivating herself to do more to show him a good time. She then attempts to go further, making herself gag. "Fuck, Clem!" Jeremiah calls out. She throws herself up and gasps for air, still stroking his penis. "Am I doing okay?" Clementine asks. "You're doing great, Clementine." Jeremiah answers. "Prove it..." Clementine replies, seeing Jeremiah lift his head and grin. He sits up and lowers her down, feeling her legs open as he attempts to insert himself in her, only to get the tip in as Clem gasps. "Shit, Clem. You're too tight." Jeremiah calls out. He finally makes his way in as Clementine holds onto him. "It's only gonna hurt for a second. I'll go slow." Jeremiah announces, seeing Clem nod from below. He begins thrusting slow, hearing Clem moan and whimper as the feeling of pain and pleasure is combined to her. As Jeremiah continues going slow, he can feel her tight walls loosening around him, showing him that she's opening up to him as little trickles of blood are exiting out of her vagina. "Go a little faster..." Clementine calls out. Jeremiah does as she requested and begins going a little faster, making her moan more as he feels himself deeper inside of her. "Jeremiah, I feel like I have to pee..." Clementine calls out. "That's what it feels like, but it's actually semen, otherwise known as cum." Jeremiah replies. "How do you know this stuff?" Clementine asks. "They taught sex ed for me when I was in fifth grade." Jeremiah answers. "School taught me some things, but not all." Clementine replies as Jeremiah continues thrusting in her. "I'm about to... cum." Clementine announces, motivating Jeremiah to go faster and harder as he does so, making her moan louder and louder with every thrust. "Jeremiah, oh my- ah!" Jeremiah keeps with the pace. "Oh, fuck yes! Right there!" Jeremiah grins and grabs her and flips himself over, now seeing her on top as his hands are placed on her hips for support and balance as she begins bouncing up and down. "Fuck..." Clem calls out, squirting all over his erected penis as she continues riding. "Don't stop, Clem..." Jeremiah calls out. Clem obliges and goes harder and faster. She lowers herself onto his chest as she holds his hand. They both pant together, feeling pleased and relaxed as Jeremiah still remains inside of Clementine. Clementine removes him out of her and they both lay naked together on top of the bell tower as the moon and stars watch over them during the dark night.

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