Chapter 5

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1 week later
Erika's POV
Today is soccer tryouts are today and I'm not going I'm too scared. I'm in first period and me and Jake are sitting beside each other and the principal come on the PA and reminds us that soccer tryouts are today. Jake looks at me and I just give him a smile.

Skip to after school
Erika's POV
I was walking out the doors heading towards my car in a rush bc I saw Jake standing by the gate to the field and then

J- Erika where r u going tryouts are now

E- um I'm not going

J- why you were the captain at your old school you'll be fine

E- idk Jake I'm just scared

J- do u have your stuff in the car

E- ya why

J- let's go *picks her up and throws her over his shoulder and walks to her car*

E- I'm not going

J- fine open your car *jake goes to the trunk and gets her stuff and puts her back on his shoulder and Erika is trying to get out. Jake is entering the field and the coach sees them *


Co-are u trying out

E- I guess I have to now since I'm here

Co-okay come on

E- thanks a lot jake

J- *laughs*no problem. I'll be waiting for u on the bleachers

Jakes POV
I was watching Erika put on her stuff and she bent down to tie her shoe and I was staring at her butt then I realized that Alex was here trying out she was always the captain of the soccer team she came up to me and said something but I was just looking at Erika she then was me a hug then left.

*soccer tryouts are done and Erika went up to Jake*

J- Erika you were good I'm glad I forced you to come

E- thanks jake I hope I at least made the team

J- I'm sure u will

E- I'm going to head home I'll see you later

J- bye Erika

Next day
Erika's POV
They are saying who made the team on the PA and I'm scared

PA-good morning girls and boys we are going to say who made the girls soccer team. *random names *.

Erika's POV
Me and Jake both looked at each other and he smiled I didn't so he took my hand and held it I was smiling when he did that. I was counting how many girls names they were saying and there was one spot left they said Alex, Jakes girlfriend. I looked down by then I heard

PA-and the captain is Erika Costell. Thank you all for tying out.

J- see I told you would make it* kisses Erika on the cheek and she blushes*

E- thanks jake

At lunch

Erika's POV
I was sitting at the table with the squad*all of Jakes friends are friends with Erika now* when I see Alex get up with her smoothie and go talk to this guy then I.....

Should I continue ?
And just saying jerika will come soon. I'm trying to get theses chapter to lead to something big

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