Chapter 44

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Jakes POV
Me and Erika made our way back inside and I didn't want to leave her side because everyone And i mean everyone was drunk. I took her hand and grabbed A- beer and A- water for Erika. I opened mine and started to drink

E- you only get to drink that one
J- *smiles* why
E- bc I ain't carrying your stupid ass out of here *smiles*
J- okay you got me there butttttt
E- oh no *smiles*
J- you can't leave my side
E- deal
J- if it's A- deal then you have to kiss me
E- no problem

Jakes POV
I put down my beer and pulled Erika closer by her waist and kissed her. I pulled back and looked into her eyes. And her green eyes sparkled. I smiled and pulled her in for another one and pushed her against the wall and started to make out but it went nice and slow. We always go slow because Erika likes it. I find it weird but I'm kinda into it. All we hear is the music and people talking. After 2 min I pull away and we stare into each other eyes and smile we just start talking about how funny Erika was when she got the red card

J- I wanna talk about something *smiles*
E- okay? What is it
J- how funny you looked when you got the red card *smiles*
E- really Jake *smiles*
J- yeah when you got up into the refs face it looked like she was going to catch some hands *laughs*
E- oh she was it was just as I was going to Tessa and rocky pulled me away *smiles*

Erika's POV
All of A- sudden it goes quite everyone in the hallway made way for someone and that some one was...

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