Chapter 62

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Jakes POV
I left Erika's house and head to the place and I get there at like 5 am. I look for the alleyway I see it And I park. I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight and I see A- bag with the word losers written on it and I go in my texts and look at sams and he said  that there would be A- bag with the losers on it. So I walk up to it and I pick it up I was about to leave when I hear noises. I look around to see A whole group walk up to me and surround me

J- hey boys I'm her to just pick this up for someone I need to leave no so bye guys

I start walking trying to get passed one but he pushes me back and they get closer

R- random guy

R- who are you getting that for
J- umm his name is Sam and I'm supposed to be looking for A- guy named Eric
R- Sam oh we don't like Sam around here. Why did he get you to come here. Is it because he is scared. And we killed Eric A couple days ago
J- idk why he asked me I just followed because he said that he would hurt my girlfriend
R- I respect that but we don't usually let people come here and escape with out getting A little you know what I mean
J- I don't know what you mean

They inch closer to me and start to punch me everywhere I fall to the ground after like 2 min they stop And they run away and I see the bag is still here I grab it and hold my ribs and walk to the car. I sat there thinking how lucky I am to be here. I look at the time and realize If I want to get to erika I need to leave. I leave and I'm now about An hour away and I need gas so I stop and get some and go into pay then I go to The washroom and clean up and u can't even tell I got beat up. I head to the car and make it to my house and it's  2:30 pm and Erika is in school for A- little bit so I text Sam and I tell him to meet him at startbucks. I pull up and see him at his car I take the bag and give it to him and he thanks me and says. He will leave me alone. School is almost done so I get in my car and drive to the school I park where erika and I come out and I get out of the car and sit on the hood and then I see students come out and I see Erika and she looks at me and smiles. She comes over and gives me A hug and A- kiss. She told me she has her car so she will meet my at my house. I get to my house and wait for erika I see her pull up and get out and we head inside and we sit on the couch

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