Chapter 69

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J- imma just go home bye babe

Erika's POV
Jake leave leaves and I waited A- couple minutes then grabbed my bag and went home and laid in bed

Jakes POV
I drive home and went to the door and saw A- paper hanging out I grabbed it and it said UCLA. I opened it and it said that I was accepted. I didn't even think I jumped in the car and I had A- feeling Erika went home so I went there and I knocked and she opened the door and I  kissed her. She pulled. Away And I  put the paper in her face and she smiled

Graduation day
They are all dressed up And packed to go to LA. the ceremony is done and they are all talking

J- you guys ready for LA
R- Yea
C- it's gonna be so much fun
An- I'm happy that we all are going to stick together
T- true
E- me too

They all went home And were very happy

15 years later
Jerika is married with 2 kids. Chessa is married with 2 kids. Rocky and Anthony are married with 2 kids. They are all still friends And see each other almost everyday. The boys went to UCLA football An- the girls went to UCLA for soccer. And they all play sports as there jobs. They are all very happy An- love each other very much

Thank you all
I enjoyed making this book and I have put many hours into this And I really appreciate all of you guys and I have one book that is out An- then another one I'm working on
Thank you

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