The End

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An angry knock at the door made me look towards it. I walk over, slowly opening the door. "Yes?" I asked the six officers standing in front of the door. Without a word, they barged into my house. They searched around my house, going up the stairs.

"Hey! Let me go!" Sara hissed as she was dragged down the stairs in cuffs. Lucas and Shark being dragged as well.

"What are you doing? Leave them alone!" I yelled worriedly before being looked at by the groups leader.

"Arrest her for hiding these monsters." His cold gaze sent shivers down my spine.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Lucas yelled as he started struggling. One of the officers cuffed my hands behind my back, forcing me out the front door. We were led to an armored truck, then forced to sit in the back. One officer sat to my right, the other to my left. Lucas, Sara, and Shark sit on the other side.

The three of them glare at the two guards. I, on the other hand, was uncomfortable next to the two. "Where are you taking us?" Shark growled the words.

"That information is top secret, freak." The guard to my left snapped at Shark. The two glared at each other until the truck stopped. Sara and Shark were led out by two others and foced into another truck. Lucas and I were kept in this one.

After a few minutes it started to feel like the guards were moving closer to me. I was uncomfortable, which became obvious to Lucas. "Wouldn't you rather sit closer to the dangerous one? Just in case something happens." Lucas hissed a little.

"We aren't idiots. It's obvious that you like her." The one to my right chuckled. "Her being next to us will keep you somewhat tame."

That night we were all thrown into a large cell. Lucas caught me before I hit the ground. "Thank you, Lucas." I smiled at him.

"I really can't stand them. Are you hurt, Emily?" Sara asked worriedly. I shook my head, standing.

"What about all of you?" I asked before they told me that they are fine. "So, what are we going to do?"

"Let's kill them all." Shark began cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah right. We'd get caught before we get to the exit." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Any idea is better than yours." The two began to argue, Sara sighing in annoyance.

"Guys, we need to get out of here before they try to cut us open." Sara stretched the word 'before'. "Let's wait until it gets dark. Then we can sneak out into the forest. Once we are in we can run. The darkness will help us hide."

Shark and Lucas looked at her, agreeing. "Emily, you should get some sleep then. I'll wake you up when it's time to go." Lucas smiles, sitting in a corner. I walk over to him, joining him on the ground. My head rest on his shoulder as I fall asleep.

He wakes me up at midnight, telling me it's time. Shark breaks the lock, allowing us to leave quietly. The three use their sense of smell to lead us out safely. And once in the forest, we start running. Lucas picks me up so that I don't fall behind.

We don't stop until we are at least two hours away. Lucas, Sara, and Shark sit on the ground, taking a break. Lucas looks at me for a second. "Emily, I want to ask you something." His cheeks turn a shade of red. "I don't exactly have a ring, but I really should ask you. Will you marry me?"

My cheeks burn at his question. Unable to control my happiness, I hug him. "Yes!" I scream as he hugs me back.

We escaped the officers and I was taken to an island. Using the materials on the island, we built a house where I gave birth to a baby girl. We named her Stella, the star that shines the brightest in the sky. Shark went to fight in the war, but Sara stayed with us. We wanted nothing to do with it.

There is only one thing I hope for. Stella, no matter what happens, you must remember this. You were born of a human and merman. Coexistance is possible. Never stop trying to prove that. You are the hope for a peaceful future. You are the hope to end the war.

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