00 | Lost Hero

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Nobody noticed the portal closing as they didn't even know it was there in the first place, the avengers and demigods were too busy battling giants and dogs from hell to realise that a portal. had been open and at least three people had disappeared through the portal already and was just hoping that wherever they ended up it wouldn't be so bad, the hero's only noticed someone was amis when they heard a large cracking noise as the portal closed causing many heads to turn to where the portal was just moments ago but when they saw nothing was there everyone continued fighting their respected monster or giant or dog from hell 

They only noticed that something was amiss when monsters started to turn into flake like ash that was gold. Natasha Ramomoff who was mid roll suddenly shot up, her posture as rigid as a pole as she was on sudden alert. Clint Barton who was just a few ways away from the ex assassin lowered his bow in surprise as he looked around at the monsters who continued to turn to gold dust 

"What's happening?" Clint called to his friend and partner

"I honestly have no idea" The redhead replied "Where is everyone else?"

As if on cue their fellow teammate who was mostly known to the public as his self dubbed title 'Iron man' but the two spies knew him better as Tony Stark, the eccentric billionaire with an overly big ego flew down from the sky  and said in his robotic voice that he only used when he's in his suit "I flew all over the upper part of New York the same thing is happening everywhere monsters are just turning to dust without us going all Jackie Chan on them first, I spoke to the demigods and they don't know what's happening either however they said they couldn't find Percy after he went to confront Tarter Sauce or whatever and they can't see that weird emo boy Nick either" Tony informed the pair 

"Nico" The archer grumbles under his breath 

He was both ignored by the Russian spy and the billionaire as Natasha asked "This could be bad they've got hold of Percy who by all accounts and from what we've seen is the most powerful demigod that lives today and can even rival the likes of Hercules and wasn't Nico a child of Hades so two powerful demigods in one place can't be good"

Tony Stark gave Natasha a look that basically said no shit could you say anything more obvious?

"So what do we do?" Clint asks putting his hand on his partner shoulders to stop her from attacking the over the top billionaire but that didn't stop Natasha giving said billionaire a heated glare as Clint tried to get the conversation back to the topic at hand 

Lightening struck in the sky as The Norse God of Thunder appeared beside his fellow teammates "We find Perseus of course I went to Tartarus just before he disappeared back to the abyss of hell and he said that the young hero would soon be begging for death so what the primordal said can't be any good" Thor explained bluntly to the rest of his team ignoring the obvious looks he gets from his teammates as they agree with him

"Okay but how do we find Percy...We don't know where he is and how he even got there?" Natasha exhaled through her nose as she sighed deeply, the Avengers were getting no where as they had no idea where the teen was and how he got there and they certainly couldn't devise a plan until they at least had some idea where the boy actually was

Everyone shook their heads in response to the redhead's question 

"I have an idea of how he got there but I don't know where he is" The youngest Avenger piped in her Russian accent thick and strong using the red magic in her hands to land on the ground after flying around New York like her fellow teammate Tony Stark she was flying over downtown New York and looking to see if there was any monsters that hadn't yet turned to dust when she came across a young Apollo camper who had to be no older than seven who was blubbering about how a purple whole swallowed both Perseus Jackson and Nico Di Angelo along with her half brother Will Solace and someone who looked like a rag doll with blonde hair 

When the pieces of the mental jigsaw pieces clicked in the brunette head she quickly took to the skies once again and shot like a rocket towards her fellow teammates and friends after seeing lightening splash across the sky she assumed Thor was now with the Avengers so she sped off in that direction 

Landing next to her father figure and fellow teammate the teenager who went by the name of Wanda Maximoff started to explain how she thinks Percy and the other demigods got to where they were "One of the demigods' who went missing half sister explained things to me right I think that Percy, Nico and approximately two or three other demigods fell through a portal and if Tartarus was working with the primordial God of time Chronos and the Lord Titan of Time  Kronos he could have sent them anywhere -- 50 years in the past or 50 years in the future"

"Is that even possible?" Natasha asked disbelief clouding her features 

"With Gods and Goddesses almost anything is possible" The girl gave a shrug of the shoulders as if that explains everything  

"So how do we get Percy back without waging another war?" Steve Rogers asks finally joining in the conversation and in full solider mode as he tried to pull his team together to formulate a plan after all the solider who was out of his time had already been through a war and lost many close to him, he had also gone through many battles following the war and if he could help it the blonde man wasn't about to walk into another war

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