05 | Badger Burrow

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| Percy Jackson |

Will and I were led to where the Hufflepuff dorm by someone who introduced herself as being a prefect and had long blonde hair and brown eyes and the dorm  was where we would spend the night before going to see Dumbledoor in his office to sort out schedules and uniforms and stuff that we will need to have in order to live before we find a way out of here in the morning and if we made it through the tomorrow the rest of our time here at Hogwarts

"To get into the kitchens you have to tickle the painting of a pair on it" She explained bringing me back to reality and I tilted my head in confusion but didn't dare comment as the bubbly blonde continued talked at eighty miles per hour "And to get into the Hufflepuff dorms all you need to do is tap out the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff but you must do it correctly if you tap the wrong barrel you are dowsed in vinegar and trust me when I say you'll need fifty showers before you stop smelling it on you everywhere you walk"

After Hannah had taught us how to enter the Hufflepuff common room correctly and the portrait had swung open she stepped over the ledge and into what I assumed was the common room and we quickly followed her and I was surprised at how comfortable the room felt with plush yellow arm chairs hanging around the roaring fire and the yellow and black banners that hung around every inch of the room and plants in brass pots filled the places where the banners could not reach

"Each year has their own room and Professor Dumbledoor has asked that you Percy go in the seventh year room and you Will go in with the fifth years, other than that the the girls dorms are on the left of the hall leading off from the common room and the boys are on the right and because we are in Hufflepuff we have access to the tunnels that can be used for a variety of reasons all I ask is that if you see someone already in said tunnels please respect their privacy and with that I'm off to bed,  you can go to bed whenever you would like just be on time to classes we need all the points we can get, and if you need anything else please see Zacharias Smith. Zach?"

We were wave at by a curly haired blonde boy who, like Hannah, looked around fifteen and was playing a game of what looked like snap with his friends only for it to explode in his face as he placed another card down after waving at us

Hannah walked away not long after that to go to bed quickly informing us if we saw the name Cedric Diggory to not be alarmed but not to bring it up as it was a sore subject for most students —especially Hufflepuff— as he died in a Trithing Tournament and I settled myself in an armchair so I could chat with Will who did the same in a chair next to me "Well, this is going to take some getting to used to" He said to which I agreed before smirking

"Is that because you won't have your little Neeks around to protect you with his army of undead?" I whispered in a teasing tone, only to see Will go flushed in the face as he opened his mouth to try and deny that the two were dating  "Don't even try to deny it Will, you two may not be very open about your relationship but remember I saw you two kissing a few weeks ago when I I.M.'d you from the Avengers tower"

He blushed red before standing up and walking away shouting a quick "Goodnight Perce" over his shoulder

* * *

The following morning once again all four of us were crammed into Professor Dumbledoor's office before classes began apparently I had just saved the world three times, my girlfriend had miraculously come back from the dead and yet I still had to attend classes ... Nice going Fates ...

Dumbledoor looked at all of us in turn as if he was inspecting us although he still had a warm twinkle in his eyes, I was definitely not trusting the old man, no matter how kind he appeared because a demigod learns not to trust anyone until that person has earned said trust and so far the old wizard (according to Nico, this was a wizards school as he. briefly explained this morning when we all met up) hadn't done anything to ease the tension I was feeling towards him

"Here are you're school robes with your house logo on them, you are expected to wear them in class and at the meal time however you can take. them off when you are in your dorm or common room" Professor McGonnagal says sharply as she was the other adult in the room before turning to Annabeth "You can wear tights and a skirt or pants but if you wear pants make sure you have black socks on"

"What about our wands?" Nico piped up as he knew the most about the apparent Wizarding World from all his trips to the Underworld "Our wands broke as we fell from the sky and landed near that big tree in the courtyard" He lied, we didn't have wands, our wands didn't break I don't even know what wands are

McGonagall furrowed her eyebrows like she hadn't thought of it before "I guess I will have to take you to Diagon Alley for you to get your wands and other supplies you will need for the rest of your year because next year you will have to buy your own stuff"

If we are still here next year

It seemed everyone was thinking the same as me because Nico jumps in "We might not be here next year as we only wanted to check on the British Wizarding culture and how it works before we go to France because we hear that there is another Wizarding school there, we didn't mean to crash through the ceiling our Pagasi just spooked but hopefully we can learn a lot from Hogwarts" Nico lies swiftly ... I didn't know that we were in England ... how did Nico find that out?

"Okay, alright, we hope you enjoy your time here at Hogwarts, now, off to class"

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