06 | Middle of a fight

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I was going to raise a skeleton army on someone

According to the black haired witch Professor McGonagall and the headmaster of this magic school I had to go into fifth year with the famous Harry Potter who just so happened to share a dorm room with me and three other fifteen year olds

Technically I was over eighty years old but I couldn't say by all 'Hey I'm the demigod son of Hades and I'm from the ninety forties but I still look like I'm fifteen years because the hotel that I was placed in meant time passed and I didn't realise this so I thought it was still 1942 when it was actually 2008'

No matter how much I begged and pleaded to be put in classes with Percy and Annabeth (since we needed to stay together to figure out how to get back home) nobody would grant my request and I was going to have to attend magic school with a load of fifteen year olds, on the bright side  at least I would have Will to keep me company, the downside is that I only have two lessons with him

The biggest downer of the day was that I couldn't read my timetable

"Do you need any help?" A voice brought me out of my bitter thoughts, and my eyes slide over to a girl, who was pouring orange juice into a goblet, with big bushy hair and brown eyes talking to me, a small smile on her face as she picks up my schedule and begins to read it aloud to me "Hey can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah" I grumbled

"Why can't you read your timetable?" She asked

"I'm dyslexic"

"Dyslexic?" The girl asked she reminded me a lot of the Children of Athena, always having a thirst for knowledge and always wanting to know about every single detail and honestly most of the Athena kids annoy me — sometimes even Annabeth — so I guess that is why I'm so prickly against the girl as she asks"What's that?"

"It means I find it hard to read" I snap unintentionally at her as I gather my things which was limited to one book and a piece of paper since were were supposed to be going with Professor McGonagall at the weekend to get our stuff "The words or numbers on a page just look like a bunch of alphabet soup" I call over my shoulder as I walk out of the hall and into the corridor, it really wasn't her fault I just need to be alone. I was having a bad day and her being nice just didn't help

I was so mad I didn't notice anyone following me out until they reached out and touched my shoulder, I immediately went on the defensive reaching out to grab the person's wrist in order to flip them over my shoulder like Annabeth had taught me how to do before this whole mess started — but it seemed like the person was prepared for this reaction as they twisted in my grasp, however before I could get annoyed thinking it was a monster coming to attack me the person spun me around so I could see their face and immediately my shoulders slumped

"Neeks," Will says sternly "I need you to calm down"

"How?" I ask my voice quiet and almost broken

"You need to breathe, like I taught you"

I do as he says but it doesn't seem to be working "it's not working!" I snap

He moves his hands from resting on my shoulders to cupping the side of my face gently and I immediately slump into his hold feeling warmth and calmness spreading throughout my body without him saying a word. This is the hold my boyfriend has on me and I don't want to feel weak, but at the same time, with him it feels nice "Then talk to me Di Angelo" Will says as if it was that simple

"There's nothing to say Will" I tell him, breaking away from his hold "We just need to get out of here"

"So you want to go home is that it?" He says and I groan frustrated with his ability to twist my words and always find the truth behind what I say and maybe that's what frustrates me most about it because he was always able to see what other people overlooked

"Of course I want to go home!" I yelled at him

Will didn't say anything anything and instead wrapped his arms around me and bought me into a hug and held me tight, I struggled against him at first, I didn't want to be treated like a baby, but Will didn't let go and instead held me tighter as he whispered in my ear "Shush Neeks, Shush i know you want to go home and we're going to go there but we're just going to have to be patient. Can you do that for me?"


"Good boy" Will patted me on the head as if I was a dog making me pull a face and him laugh

After that hand in hand Will took me to Herbology which he found out he had from his House Prefect Hannah Abbot and we walk across the courtyards and grassland, the grounds were so big and beautiful there was a massive lake and there was a big tree that had twisted roots and it that moment I didn't ever want to leave as I looked across the landscape but then I remember what Tartarus did and I felt cold inside and I felt myself unintentionally reach into the shadows and call them forth

"NICO!" Will yelled "Stop!"

Then I fell into darkness

Another World Out There | Percy Jackson x Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now