01 | Mysterious Visitors

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| Harry Potter |

The shatter of glass cut of the lady in pink's speech which everyone but her was happy about but also confused Professor McGonagall suddenly raised from her seat at the Professor table and pointed her wand towards the middle of room, confused my green gaze shifted to the middle of the room when shards of jagged glass lay scattered haphazardly along the floor and in the middle of the glass were four teenagers one who was unconscious and three who looked slightly dazed

The entire hall was in an uproar as confused but excited whispers broke out across the room and out of the corner of my eye I could see the sickly sweet smile drop right of the lady in pink's face as she failed to gain control of the students in the room  

"That shouldn't be possible" Hermione hissed her brown eyes calculating  "The ceiling is bewitched"

"Well obviously they got in" Ron stated his mouth full of chicken as he attempted to shove his eleventh chicken leg into his mouth "Do you think they could be Death Eaters or spies of You know who?" He then asked on a more serious note and for a minute I'm taken back to the night in the graveyard....the night that Cedric was murdered by Voldermort

The memory faded behind my eyes and I pushed through it until it was just a dull ache because suddenly one of the boy's who looked daze rose to his feet and I noticed that he looked like a fitter and older version of myself and looked around confused for a second but that was the weird part he didn't seem very confused by the wand pointed at him or everyone staring at him  in fact he didn't seemed threatened at all, his eyes soon landed on the unconscious blonde and he rushed to her side

He knelt down by her side and muttered a few things but I was too far away to hear what he was saying but eventually he stood up and looked at the two boys who had crashed through the ceiling with him and only for a second did he seem confused and angry before he called to the younger olive but still pale skinned boy to do something that didn't make much sense

"Nico toss me a square of ambrosia! We're loosing her and I can't loose her again!" Can't loose her again?  What did that mean? I honestly had no idea what was happening and what was meant by half the things the sun kissed boy said but Nico apparently did and tossed the older boy something to which he caught and quickly opened the blondes mouth ramming it into her mouth and forcing her to swallow before he did the same with something that looked like a drinking canteen

"I can't lose you again Annabeth, wake up please!" He says louder this time as his voice began to break, he didn't seem to care about everyone stealing confused glances or the stern face of Minerva McGongall or the sympathetic expressions laced on the other two boys faces and he didn't seem to listen when the Italian looking boy said

"She might not make it Perce" 

"SHE HAS TOO" The boy 'Perce' roared standing up again and clenching his fists causing the Italian boy to back off and I don't blame and for the first time since everyone sat down the room was deadly quiet so quiet no matter how hard the lady in pink who identified herself as Dolores Umbridge who also at my hearing could get the room quiet but a teenager could you could hear a pin drop it was that quiet when he moved his head to glare at everyone in the room his eyes were wild and wide

"Whoa. He's scary" Ron muttered leaving me to nod

Suddenly the girl moaned and 'Perce' jumps before kneeling down at her side again, tears were streaming down his face but he had a jaw breaking grin on his face as he whispered shouted "Annie!" and helped her sit up as she attempted to weakly slap him

"D-Don't call me Annie!" She stutters her voice weak and course

"Whatever you want my lady" The boy has a goofy grin on his face as he picks her up, he just looks so happy to be holding the girl I was afraid he was going to burst from excitement and the young boy with surfer like blonde hair rushes over and starts checking over her vitals as a doctor would. How can a boy that looks fifteen be this practiced within the medical field?

Thankfully McGonagall steps in her voice clear and sharp "Excuse me? Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asks walking towards the teenager's who fell through the ceiling and for the first time it seemed to register with the teens that they weren't in the place they thought they were and at least have the decency to look embarrassed before they share a look of panic and alarm

The sun kissed boy steps forward still holding the blonde girl close to his chest "Uh ... Not to be rude ... but where are we?" and for the first time I noticed his American accent, American accent didn't sound right was he from America? But then how did they get here and why did they crash through the ceiling

McGonagall looked puzzled "Your in Hogwarts" she says her voice crisp and so sharp it could cut through diamonds

The teens looked at each other for a moment, confused before they all burst out laughing...Everyone except the blonde girl who was clutching to 'Perce' as if going to stop her from fading out of existence , she still looked sickly pale and weak as if no colour would come to her face again ... Everyone looked at the group suspicion laced in their eyes as the trio continued to laugh

"Come with me" McGonagall stated swiftly 

Who were the mysterious Hogwarts visitors?

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