02 | Can You Possibly Tell Us Where We Are?

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| Percy Jackson |

It felt like my body was being ripped from itself as soon as I entered  the portal...It was not a pleasant experience and one that I hoped I wouldn't have to experience again, fortunately though the feeling of my body being ripped apart didn't last long and I find myself cocoon with a cold breeze and that's when I realised I was falling from the sky 

Three hundred and fifty feet up from the ground 

I couldn't do anything, I wasn't a child Zeus (thankfully, I wouldn't want to be related to that Drama Queen) so I couldn't bend the air to make my land safely or even bend the air so that I could grab the blonde beauty who was falling through the air, fast ... and unconscious, my heart is hammering in my chest so hard that it would've hurt if I was a demigod because I couldn't loose her again. 

But eventually I find an opening and make my body rigid and stiff as I streamline my body and point my body downwards as if I was doing a dive into waters and just in time to because I was going to dive into something however it wasn't the sea or any water that I could easily manipulate, in fact I wasn't landing in water at all

I was crash-landing through a glass ceiling. Great.

I could hear the shatter of glass that echoed in my ears as Annabeth broke the glass ceiling her body lifeless and limp and I have just enough time to cringe before I am following in the lead of my unconscious and possibly dead girlfriend 


My back throbbed as I lay on the ground for a minute slightly dazed as I tried to fight unconsciousness my mind reeling as a million thoughts raced through my head never staying on one thought for longer than a couple of seconds, but one thought kept coming back and stayed longer and longer each time. Annabeth.

Two other bodies landed next to us in a crumpled heap, one of top of the other one sending a echo through out the room and cutting off someone who sounded like they were in dire need of a cough drop off of her speech and I glanced over to see who had landed next to me half expecting some kind of monster but I was both surprised and a little furious when I saw Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace stumbling to their feet both tinged with red cheeks 

I glare at Nico as if to ask what are you doing here?, who glares back as he gets the message and sends me a message back that roughly translated to: Well Kelp for brains I wasn't going to leave you...I can't loose another person ... and for all I know if I didn't you could have died and Will followed me I didn't know until it was too late 

I sent him another harsh glare to which he stepped backwards into Will's arms We'll talk more later I silently said and he meekly nodded, I didn't know where we were and in that moment, I didn't care all I cared about was the blonde still lying unconscious next to me and my heart started to pound again 

"Nico toss me a square of ambrosia! We're loosing her and I can't loose her again!" I yelled to my cousin, who nodded numbly before fumbling in his rucksack type. back for a bar of ambrosia, finally after what felt like forever with my ADHD and fear playing on my mind but in reality was probably only a couple of minutes, he tosses me the bar and I catch it easily breaking off a piece and kneeling down so I could give Annabeth a square, I open her mouth and place the square in forcing her to swallow. Before the waiting game began.

"I can't lose you again Annabeth, wake up please!"  I yell shaking her slightly ...  I don't know what I would do if I lost her again ... I couldn't go through it again 

"She might not make it Perce" Nico says leaning forward to put a hand on my shoulder and as soon as those words reached my ears, my eyes darkened as I looked around the large room (that was still only a quarter of the size of the Olympus) and I clench my fists in an attempt to control my powers

"SHE HAS TOO" I roared ... I don't think I would survive a second time if Annabeth was to be ripped away from me again, the first time was bad enough, I wouldn't have another strength to go through it again out of the corner of my eye I see Nico back up probably scared that I was going to break the pipes in the building 

Suddenly I hear a  moan and I jump before kneeling down at her side again, tears were streaming down my face but I didn't care at that moment I was too happy that I got my Wise Girl back I also  had a jaw breaking grin on my  face as I whispered shouted "Annie!" and helped her sit up as she attempted to weakly slap me and I let her although it didn't hurt 

"D-Don't call me Annie!" She stutters her voice weak and course but I didn't care

"Whatever you want my lady" I said unable to stop the grin on my face as I pick the beautiful blonde up,  I cradled her to my chest missing the warmth that courses through my body every time I touched her I was afraid I was going to burst from excitement as Will and Nico join us both looking happy to have Annabeth back but not as happy as me who would be? Will looks Annabeth over checking her vitals and things being a son of Apollo after all. 

Interrupting our reunion a women with what looks like a green dress and a pointy hat, to me she reminded me a little of Athena's Roman side and I know Annabeth felt the same because she whimpered and buried her face into my shoulder, came down the steps looking slightly fearful but also annoyed and it was then we all noticed where we were for the first time properly 

"Excuse me? Who are you and what are you doing here?" Her voice was sharp and clearly meant to be intimidating, but  I just shrugged it off after all I faced worse than a angry women in what looks like green robes

I hold tightly on to Annabeth tightly as I step forward "Uh ... Not to be rude ... but where are we?"

The women looked confused "Your in Hogwarts" at that we all burst out into laughter confusing most of the people in the room ... Hogwarts what kind of name is that? And judging by their accent it is a safe bet to say we weren't in America anymore? Where did Tartarus send us? "Come with me" The women said in a clear 'Don't mess with me' kind of voice 

We followed her reluctantly, me not placing Annabeth down for even a second  and on the way out Nico scared a ghost but nobody seemed to noticed as they were all wondering what was going to happen to us  

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