03 | American Transfer Wizards?...Let's go with that

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| Nico Di Angelo |

I huffed as I followed the weird looking lady throughout the halls of what appears to be a castle. I didn't know what had possessed me to jump in the portal after Percy and his blonde haired lover, I guess I just didn't want anything to happen to Percy I wasn't going to lose any more people I had already lost so many people including Bianca (whose death I blamed on Percy for far too long) and Thalia (though it did hit Percy harder since he was closer to her)

Tingles run through my arm as someone intertwines their hands with mine and I look up to see. the face of my boyfriend Will Solace peer down at me concern crossing his features and shining brightly in his blue eyes but I just shrug him off telling him with a look that I will talk to him later after we get through this whatever this was

"Sherbet lemon" The old women with a pointy hat said and the gargoyle grunted before turning around revealing a set of stairs which the women with green robes and a pointy hat started to climb and gestured for us to do the same as we walked up me falling behind Will who was following Percy who was still holding onto Annabeth who was following the teacher ... it was like an elaborate game of follow the leader I began to think of who she reminded me of and suddenly it clicked in my head


And I knew my dad was grumbling about certain souls being able to escape the Underworld and seek refuge where my father couldn't recall their spirits because it wasn't his domain as it was considered Hecate's little pet world, they must of have been seeking refuge in here the entire time and nobody knew about it. I felt my blood boil as the spirits thought they could pull a fast one on their Lord, the God of the underworld

They won't get away with it for much longer though

We walked into an office, it was a large office and I didn't notice everything due to my ADHD my eyes couldn't seem to focus on one thing at a time bouncing from object to object but the one thing I did notice was the portraits on the wall that seemed to be moving I recognised a. few of them from my time in the Underworld but the moving pictures, (that I should have been concerned about but really wasn't because as a demigod son of Hades or just a demigod in general you get used to crazy things like Wizards being real) didn't help me to decipher where we were and what time period we were in

"What are you four doing here?" A sharp voice brought me out of my daydream and look towards a women with her black hair tied in a tight bun and narrowed green eyes "Where did you come from? Ilvermony?"

"Il-what?" Percy asked

"Ilvermony" The lady with a sharp tongue states "The wizarding school in America where you live, but I must say I didn't see any of you at the Triwizard Tournament last year especially you two as you look old enough to enter however if you weren't there it was most definitely for the best as it had a most tragic ending" She grimaces and looks close to tears but doesn't elaborate and it leaves me thinking that something sinister was happening behind the scenes and Will must've known what I was thinking for he gives my hand a squeeze

Percy and Will look wildly confused just by the bewildered looks on their faces but I know that Annabeth has figured it out from the sheen in her eyes after all she is a daughter of the Wisdom Goddess  however I jump in before either one of them make a fool of themselves and say "Yes, we have came over from Ilvermony and we were looking to transfer here? As for why we fell through the ceiling our Pegasi, a common animal in America got spooked by something and tipped us off and we couldn't call them to save us in time" It was a lie of course but she seemed to take to it with ease

"Transfer students...I don't think we ever had them" She mumbles to herself 

I nod along giving Percy a sharp look to keep quiet (as he looks wildly confused and opens his mouth to say something)  so we don't get found out and everything doesn't blow up in our faces as I continue lying "We thought that ... Hogwarts... would be a better fit for our eduction"

Just as I get to the end of my sentence the gargoyle moves once again and in walks an old looking man with a long silver beard and even longer silver hair, there's a twinkle in his blue eyes that many people often mistake for warmth but I (along with all the demigods) can tell that the twinkle in his eyes is calculating as if he's looking for any incoming threats. His calculating blue gaze that I see too much on the children of Athena settles on us and he exclaims in what seems like a warm manner it very well could have been a genuine warm manner but every demigod learns to not trust anyone "Who do we have here Minerva?"

"We have some  students from Ilvermony that are looking to study here" She informs him

"Hmm" The old wizard hums  "we haven't had that before however I am quite sure you will fit in quite nicely here at Hogwarts and soon seen it will be viewed as you're second home but first we must give you a House to spend you're year here at Hogwarts come with me and we'll get you settled" He gestures to the door and Percy glances at me as if to say Do we trust them?  I nod my head even though I'm not quite sure myself 

I can't believe they believed my lie so quickly without questioning us. any further however I don't lower my guard just yet and I know the others haven't either as a demigod you learn to never lower your guard even if you think you are truly safe because it could just cost you your life 

With that in mind I walk down the steps and into the unknown of the Wizarding World. 

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