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I made you perfect.
You aren't perfect.
You're just another daydream who's gonna pass by.

Are you real?

To prove that the real you exists, I'm going to point out your flaws.

Everything was a part of your game. Then I came along like a glitch that you couldn't fix.

Did you ever love me?

In the beginning you made it look like you did. But 'love' is nothing but a four letter word made to be thrown around and overused by people who don't know what it means.

Did you mean everything you said?

Lies fill your mouth. Spilling like paints on an artist's canvas. So beautiful, yet acrylic;fake. Just to keep up your 'reputation' and to avoid facing the truth. You were afraid of it like a child afraid of the dark.

Did you know you had fallen?

So you chose to ignore it. Feelings are a problem for another day. You're performing flawlessness when staged, but only some knew who you were behind those performing masks.

Did we become distant?

Your silence was screaming. Your distance made it clearer. Your words. Your choice. Your actions. Make someone love you enough to die for you and then pull a trigger up their head?

You pretended you're afraid of getting heartbroken but did you ever care about other people?

This was SO not planned. I wrote the first letter one lonely night. But all due to your support, I had the courage to write another one. I love you all.
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