Chapter Two

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A/N: I'm mad because Wattpad won't let me upload these really great GIFs of Matt because they're "too big." So you just changed the logo instead of working on actual important issues? Okay. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

My morning classes were pretty much insignificant. Teachers passed out syllabi and gave lessons. French class was definitely the worst, since I hadn't reviewed any of the information over the summer. I would have to study my flash cards and look over grammar again. I was a little disappointed that I had both History and English in the morning because they were relatively easy, which meant the harder ones would be in the afternoon. At least I knew that I would have Trevor with me in Pre-calculus.

I didn't see him at all during the break after third period. I hadn't really been expecting to though. The break was only ten minutes, which was basically nothing. And Trevor never switched out his textbooks, if he even brought them to class in the first place, so there was no reason for him to stop by the junior lockers. No doubt he was spending the break with his brother and Woody. That was probably how the rest of the school year would go too, not that I really minded. I just spent the short break talking to Zoey, another junior on the cheer team. She babbled on about how she couldn't wait for the football season to start so we could wear our uniforms on game days. I would have shared her enthusiasm if Trevor didn't make a sarcastic wolf-whistle every time I wore the short pleated skirt and tank top.

My fourth period was Anatomy, which wasn't terrible. Being an athlete, I was interested in the body, but I just wasn't a science person. Fifth period was my elective though, which may have been the only class I was actually somewhat interested in this semester.

I left the science wing and headed to the third floor. Upon walking into the classroom listed on my schedule, I was surprised to see Matt sitting at one of the desks. He was slightly hunched over, his head cast down as he scribbled into a notebook. The class was an elective that any sophomores or above could take, so it made sense for him to be in the class. I just would've expected Trevor to tell me his brother was also taking it when I'd told him my schedule, but maybe he hadn't known.

I made my way over to the senior and sat down in the open desk to his left. Matt was so absorbed in his writing that he didn't look up; either that or he didn't want to make eye contact with a potential stranger. I looked at him for a few seconds, wanting to see if he would look up from his work and see who had sat down next to him, but when he didn't I spoke.

"Matt." He looked up in surprise, whether it was from hearing his name or from recognizing my voice I wasn't sure.

"Eliana." I smiled at him in amusement. I must have really thrown him off. He never called me by my first name. Trevor always called me "El" and Matt always called me "Ana." It was just the way it had been since we had learned to talk. Although Matt's nickname for me had originated because he was jealous of his brother's new friend and had known that I didn't like it. But over the years it had kind of grown on me. Matt was the only one who could ever get away with calling me "Ana" though. Almost everyone called me "El," at least at school. My parents still used my full name.

"I didn't know you were taking Creative Writing," I said.

"Yeah, Trevor only asked what my lunch period was," Matt explained, correctly assuming that my information about Matt's schedule would have come from his sibling. "I think his only elective is Phys. Ed. The poor bastard."

I nodded my head. Trevor had tried to get me to take it with him, but it wasn't required for athletes so I didn't need the credit. "I told both of you to join the basketball team."

Matt rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his seat, stretching his long legs out in front of him. "Playing on a team is a little different from playing in a driveway, Ana."

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