Chapter Six

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The next morning, I woke up because of my bladder. That was always the worst part of drinking for me: the need to pee constantly, and the inability to sleep in because of it. Trevor was lying next to me on his stomach, his face buried in his pillow as a small amount of drool dripped from his open mouth. I smiled and suppressed a laugh. He always looked so much younger in his sleep. Maybe it was just the inherent innocence that came with being asleep and away from the rest of the world.

I slowly crawled out of his full-sized bed, trying not to make too much noise so I wouldn't wake him. I tiptoed around dirty clothes on the carpeted floor, some of which were mine, and exited the room.

Once I had finally relieved my bladder, I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, so I went downstairs. The Wentworths' house had a layout that mirrored my own, thanks to suburban house development. Not that I needed a mirror layout to find my way around a house I had spent at least a third of my life in.

No one else was downstairs, which I was slightly surprised about. The oven's clock read 10:13 and the microwave was only a few minutes behind. The boys' mom probably had work, even if it was a Saturday. I would've thought that Erika and Lex would be awake so they could hang out with their friends, as middle-schoolers were prone to do, but maybe they had left already. Or maybe they just took after their older brothers more than I thought.

I opened their fridge and took out the carton of eggs from the second shelf, where it had been resting on top of the mound of sauce packets that they would probably never get around to using. There were a few English muffins on the top shelf, which I also grabbed.

"I know how to make scrambled eggs pretty well, if that's what you're doing."

I turned around to look at Matt, who had his arms folded on the counter and was leaning against the granite. He was smiling, and I was glad that last night's party wasn't going to make him act differently around me. Neither one of us probably remembered that much of it anyway, or at least I was trying not to. Being turned on by Matt Wentworth was not going to help me get over my crush on him, so it was better for me not to think about it at all.

"I was actually planning on making them sunny-side-up," I corrected. "But thanks for the offer."

Matt raised an eyebrow. "You can do that?" I laughed at the surprise in his tone. Almost every form of eggs was easy to make, maybe with the exception of poached.

"Yes, Matt." I got out their medium-sized frying pan and its matching lid. "I can make you some too." Matt smiled sheepishly at me from his position at the counter. I bit my cheek and turned toward the stove. Why did he have to look so cute in his black-framed glasses? I had seen them before when I'd occasionally sleep over at their house, as I had the night before, but Matt always wore his contacts to school. I wasn't sure why, because he looked really fucking hot in his glasses.

"Do you want help?" Matt asked. I shook my head, trying not to act like I had just been thinking about how attractive he was. I didn't trust myself enough to speak coherently. That apparently wasn't a good enough answer because he walked up to my side. "You sure?"

I turned the stove's front burner on and cracked the first egg into the pan. "I'm sure," I nodded again. Matt shrugged as he watched me crack three more eggs. When I put the lid on the pan, he moved away from me and opened the refrigerator.

"Do you want bacon or something to go with it?" I looked at him blankly, not sure if he was joking or not. Matt met my gaze when he noticed my lack of verbal response. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Then realization dawned on him. "Oh shit. Hold on, I think we have some sausages that might be Kosher." Matt shifted his attention back to his task and opened the freezer so he could rifle through their food.

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