Chapter Nine

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That September, Rosh Hashanah fell on a weekend, so I didn't have to take off any school. I did have to miss the away football game that Friday night, however. I wasn't too upset about it. I was just grateful that Homecoming weekend wouldn't be affected. That was a much more important game. I was even happier that it was Trevor's mom's weekend, as it meant he would be able to come over for our celebration. Since we had practically grown up together, Trevor had been to numerous Jewish services in the synagogue when he'd slept over at my house every so often. He usually tried to come over for our major holidays, including our new year, Passover, and Hanukkah. It just meant that I got to celebrate Christmas with his family.

When the doorbell rang roughly thirty minutes before the sun was supposed to go down, I ran to the front door. There was really no rush since everything was already prepared and Trevor was much better about being on time than I was, but I was just excited to see my best friend and be one step closer to a fresh start.

My mouth opened in surprise when I opened the door and saw that Trevor had brought Matt with him. Or maybe I was more surprised that Matt had wanted to come. I was less surprised about the baby carrier Matt held in his hand. We had gotten our robotic babies for Health class at the beginning of the week, which so far hadn't been too horrible.

"Leshana tovah tikatevee v'tichatemee," Trevor greeted, throwing his arms out. He stumbled slightly with the pronunciation of the Hebrew, but he was getting better each year.

I smiled and hugged him while returning his greeting. "Leshana tovah tikatev v'tichatem."

When I pulled away and looked at Matt, the older boy stared blankly at me. "Uh, I would try to say that, but I have a feeling I'd just end up saying something offensive," he said, appearing apologetic.

I laughed. "That's okay, Matt," I assured. "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year." There were a few seconds of silence before Trevor elbowed his brother in the side.

"Um, may you also be sealed for a good year, Ana," Matt repeated, confusion displayed on his face. Trevor rolled his eyes at his brother's slight blunder. I giggled and stepped aside to welcome the two boys in.

"It's good to see both of you," I said, closing the door once they were inside.

"I figured I should bring Matt with me since you guys have a baby now and everything," Trevor explained.

I looked at the said baby, which was not making any noise and must have been in "sleep" mode. "How has Trevor Jr. been doing?" I asked. When Trevor had heard about our project, he had insisted that we name the robot after him. Matt and I hadn't cared enough to come up with a different name; we both knew that Trevor would call the baby that anyway.

"He's slept like a baby," Trevor grinned, making his brother sigh defeatedly at the pun.

"I guess he takes after his namesake," I smirked, pinching Trevor's cheek. Trevor wrinkled his nose before pushing me away.

"More like he takes after his mother," he retorted. I rolled my eyes at him, but I did have a habit of sleeping in too late.

"Come on," I said, ignoring Trevor's remark and leading the brothers into my house.

My mom was in the kitchen getting the wine and bread ready while my dad was setting up the candles on the dining room table. Trevor addressed them with the traditional Rosh Hashanah greeting, still stumbling with some of the words. Matt shifted his weight from foot to foot as he smiled timidly at my parents.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Gale," he said.

Mom ran over to the brothers and pulled Trevor in for a hug. "Leshana tovah tikatev v'tichatem!" she proclaimed excitedly. When she finished with Trevor, she turned to his brother. "Matthew," she held her arms out wide and embraced him, "it's so good to see you again!"

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