Chapter Ten

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A/N: shoutout to @Kaleum_ for being the only person interested in this story. The only pics of Matt in a suit I could find were his wedding pics, hence Trevor above. Anyways, enjoy the chapter; it's been long overdue. 

"Oh, hon, you just look so beautiful!" My mom cooed at me as I walked down the staircase, trying my hardest not to trip in my three-inch stilettos. At least they had straps, which were easier for me to walk in than pumps. Of course she had her camera out and was taking pictures of my descent.

"Ma, stop," I complained, blushing from the attention. I knew she loved photos for posterity and it was a nice sentiment, but it wasn't like pictures of me by myself were going to be great memories.

"Oh, she just looks so grown up, doesn't she, Joel?" Luckily for me, she paused her photography to turn to her husband. Dad smiled at me over the top of the newspaper he was reading as he sat in his armchair in the front room.

"Yes she does, dear," he replied. Dad stood up and walked over to me, offering his hand and helping me down the last two steps of stairs. "You remember how I taught you to punch, right? Thumbs out."


"What?! Boys are going to be all over her tonight!"

I shook my head embarrassedly. "I'll be fine, Daddy," I assured. He squeezed my hand three times; it was our way of saying "I love you" without saying anything at all.

"She'll be with the Wentworth boys," Mom added. Dad gave her a dubious look, as if to show he didn't trust them anymore than any other teenage boy. "Oh stop it, Joel," Mom chided. "They're good kids."

The doorbell rang, interrupting their minor argument. Trevor always did have perfect timing.

I left my parents at the stairs while I walked over to open the front door. I had hoped I'd be able to slip away with a quick goodbye, but my mother had other ideas. She had followed close behind me and pulled Trevor inside within a few seconds of laying eyes on him.

"Come in! Come in!" she insisted. "I must take pictures of you and Eliana."

"Hi, Mrs. Gale," Trevor laughed. He looked at me with an amused smirk and I shrugged helplessly. My mom was extremely stubborn. If she wanted pictures of us, she would get them.

"Oh my goodness, don't you just look so handsome!" my mom continued her gushing, now focusing on a new subject. Trevor did look nice. He had dressed up slightly more than he had for Matt's birthday. His black jeans were ripped at the knees, but he wore a white collared shirt tucked into the pants. He wore a bowtie around his neck, the formalness contrasting sharply with his black high-top Vans with the classic white stripe down the middle. At least he had left the snapback at home.

"Thank you, Mrs. Gale," Trevor spoke, "but I'm nothing compared to your beautiful daughter." He turned around to wink at me, making me roll my eyes and push his shoulder as I followed him and my mother.

Mom let go of Trevor's arm when she finished staging him in front of the staircase. She waved her hand from me toward Trevor, instructing me to pose with him. I stood next to him, and Trevor immediately wrapped his arm around my waist and I put mine around his back. Even in my heels, I was still a decent few inches shorter than him, which kind of disappointed me. Mom fixed one of the curls that framed my face, making sure it was tucked behind my ear. I automatically reached behind me to fluff the bun that my hair was pinned into. Then I ran my hand over my pale pink dress, smoothing out any wrinkles in the pleats or the lace decals, and then adjusted my spaghetti strap. The dress had a plunging V-neck, which didn't allow me to wear a bra, but luckily there was one built in. I didn't want to risk anything falling out for the pictures.

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