Chapter Eight

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My red dress fluttered in the air as I twirled slightly in front of my mirror. It was probably a little too formal for Outback Steakhouse, considering most of the customers just wore T-shirts and jeans, but it was a special occasion. And the V-neck of the dress really showed off my assets, so how could I not wear it? Hopefully my favorite pair of black Vans would tone down the formalness of the outfit so Trevor wouldn't give me too much shit.

I bared my teeth in the mirror to make sure I didn't have any lipstick on them. Once I was satisfied with my makeup, I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

My mother frowned disapprovingly at my footwear, but she knew better than to try to get me to change. "Make sure you thank Mr. Wentworth for inviting you," she said. I didn't bother correcting that it was Trevor who had invited me and not his father. I would still need to thank Mr. Wentworth and his eldest son for letting me tag along.

"I will, Ma," I assured, kissing her on the cheek lightly so as not to leave any red lipstick marks on her skin.

I left my house and made my way over to one next door. Another perk of wearing Vans and not heels was that I could still cut across the grass like I normally did. There was no car in the driveway other than Matt's, which meant Mr. Wentworth hadn't arrived yet, so at least I was on time. He normally picked the kids up at six for their weekly dinners, except for the weeks when he was out of town and travelling.

Before I could even press the doorbell, Trevor opened the front door. He must have seen me cutting over, although I didn't know why he would've been staring out the front window. Trevor laughed when he took in my appearance.

"Did you think we were going to Homecoming or something?" he joked.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed past him and into the house. "Yes, Trev, that's exactly what I thought."

"Damn it, El, that's not for another three weeks," he reminded, closing the front door behind me. As if a cheerleader didn't know when Homecoming was. It wasn't like I was completely overdressed. Even if I was wearing a dress, Trevor had on his version of a "formal" outfit, which consisted of khaki pants, a button-down shirt, Vans, and a backwards snapback. Honestly, he would probably end up wearing the same exact outfit to the dance later this month.

"We're still going together right?" I checked. We normally went to dances together, especially if we were both single, but I wasn't sure if Trevor had his eye on anyone at school yet.

Trevor shot a finger gun at me. "You know it," he winked. "You gotta hook me up with a cheerleader at the dance though. It's been so long since I got laid."

I wrinkled my nose. "Ew. I care about my squad way too much to do that to them."

"Whatever, El," Trevor rolled his eyes. "I don't need your help anyway."

"Then why'd you ask for my help in the first place?" I smirked as we walked into the living room. Matt laughed from his position on the couch, making his brother glare at him.

It was nice to see that the other Wentworth siblings had also dressed up for the event. Matt was looking like an adorable nerd in his black sweater over a maroon collared shirt, paired with dark-washed jeans and black Vans. The only thing that could've made him look any cuter was if he had worn his glasses. Lex was wearing a nice top and jeans, but Erika was wearing a dress so I didn't know why Trevor had made fun of me for mine.

I contemplated whether or not I should wish Matt a happy birthday again, despite the fact that I had seen him yesterday on his actual birthday. I wasn't really familiar with how birthday celebrations worked with divorced families. This was my first time joining the Wentworths for one, despite having been Trevor's best friend for years. Trev's birthday was in June, so either his dad was traveling during the summer and couldn't celebrate with him or I was busy with cheerleading and couldn't celebrate it twice. Before I could say anything to Matt, Erika spoke up.

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