family - maro itoje

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y/n p.o.v
Maro and I had been dating for around 7 months now and we still hadn't met each other's families. this was mainly because he had been away for rugby a lot of the time, which of course i was okay with because it's what he loves. however the other day, Maro said he wanted me to meet his family, which scared me a little. all these questions raced through my mind, like what if they don't like me? i know Maro thinks highly of his families opinion and if they don't like me, he would probably end the relationship with me.

today was the day i had been dreading for a while now, i had to meet his family. Maro was already in the car waiting for me while i was locking my apartment up. i got in his car and gave him a kiss, to which he gratefully returned. once we had finished i pulled back and stared at him and he looked confused. "what's wrong love?" he asked grabbing me hand. i forced a smile on my face and tried my hardest to push my nerves down to say "nothing. shall we get going?". he didn't buy it, i know he didn't especially when he narrowed his eyes at me and looked me in the eyes a few seconds later. he turns to start the car and said "okay" with a reassuring smile.

the whole car ride there i could bring myself to talk to him properly and i could stop bouncing my leg. a few times Maro put his hand on my leg to make me stop and to add some sort of comfort which worked but it didn't make me any less nervous.

finally, after the longest car journey of my life, we pulled up on the Itoje's drive outside the family house. we got out the car and Maro quickly took hold of my hand to guide me to the door. before we got to the door we stopped and i gave him a confused look. Maro turned to face me towering over and began to lean in. once our lips touched i immediately relaxed but he pulled back all to soon. "i love you so much" he smiled at me. "i love you too" i said and he pulled me towards the door and we walked in. this women, who i assume was his mum, was stood in the kitchen cooking something that smelt amazing. she heard the door go and he head snapped round to see us stood there. a smile quickly rose on he face as she dropped what she was doing and rushed over to embrace Maro in a long awaited hug. soon she realised i was stood there and smiled at me. i began to stick my hand out and as i went to do so she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. she pulled back and said "wow Maro you never told us y/n was this pretty. oh i'm florence, Maro's mum".
"lovely to meet you" i smiled. she quickly turned and rushed away shouting "Efe, Maro and y/n are here. get out here". Maro smiled at me shaking his head in amusement at his mother. he grabbed my hand and looked my in the eyes, which made me feel so safe.

soon Maro's dad, sister and brother were rushing into the kitchen to see their brother and if he really had brought a girl with him. all of them embraced me into a hug which made me feel so welcome. dinner was soon ready and we all sat down talking about everything and anything, especially embarrassing thing Maro did as a child which resulted in a few "mum please don't tell her that" moments.

it was time to go and they had made me feel so welcome. i was so stupid for thinking they wouldn't like me. when we got in the car, Maro sighed and closed his eyes for a second while i stared up at him. "stop staring" he smirked
"i can't" i said turning fully to rest my head on my hands with a big toothy grin.
he opened one eye and looked down at me "is there any chance you've forgotten those stories they told you yet" he asked with a slight eyebrow raise. i shook my head. "didn't think so" he said as i leaned across to kiss him. i'm so happy with how everything went

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