injury - tom curry

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y/n p.o.v
being part of the medic team for the england rugby squad is hard enough when your good friends with all of them, seeing them getting injured is horrible. what makes it even worse is when your boyfriend is on the team.

today england are playing france and it my turn to be on the side line waiting for any possible injury to occur. james and myself had been putting this job off for as long as possible because neither of us particularly want to have to run onto the pitch, but today we can no long hide from it.

i was sorting my kit out and making sure i have everything when a pair of arms wrap around me. i immediately know who it is. i quickly turn around and push tom way giggling. "oi you! i thought we agree to keep things professional so they would allow us both to work here." i remind half serious, half joking.
"can i not get a good luck kiss from my beautiful girlfriend before i go on?" he opens his arms with a smirk. i half smile walking over to him whilst wrapping my arms around his torso and reaching up to give him a peck on the lips. once i've done that and burry my face into his chest. "hey what's wrong?" he asks. damn, he knows me way too well
"oh nothing. i just really don't want to do this today" i shrug not letting go of him
"i know you'll be brilliant. okay love?"
i nod my head and pull away from the embrace knowing it's almost time for the players to run onto the pitch so tom needs to begin getting ready. he began to walk away and i shouted "good luck" after him
"see you out there" he winked

the england vs france game was now well under way and england are winning. tom got the ball but was tackled. it seemed like a normal tackle until about a minute after when everyone noticed the huge amount of blood covering his face. i could hear lots of gasping around me, but tom seemed unfazed by the whole situation and continued playing. "oh god. the ref's gonna have to stop play soon, isn't he?" i turned to james.
i think he noticed the slight panic in my eyes. "yes i'm sure he will. everything's gonna be fine. tom seems fairly unaware this is even happening" james tried to reassure. the ref finally blew the whistle after noticing the amount of blood pouring from tom's face and james and i ran onto the pitch. james began wiping the blood away to see what we were dealing with and if it would stop so tom could continue playing. unfortunately for him it would need some stitches and would have to come off the pitch.

once in the medical room because i had such a close bond to him the wouldn't let me in until tammy came out and said he's being a pain in the ass and not letting anyone but me fix him up. i walk in and tammy leaves to allow me to to the stitches. i walk into the room and he was sat on the bed with his legs draped over the edge. we were both yet to say anything. i walked over with everything i needed and as i was about the clean his wound, he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "hey. i'm sorry"
"sorry for what?" i avoid eye contact with him and try to clean his wound
"for worrying you. i could see it in your eyes when you reached me on the pitch"
"i wasn't worried. i just needed to know you were okay. now if it's okay with you, i would like to get your wound cleaned and stitched up?" i raise my eyebrow
tom smiles at me "of course love. give me a kiss first though?"
god i can never reject him. i plant a kiss on his lips and it was like all the stress left me body because it reassured me he was okay.

i finally finished cleaning him up when i got a call from his mum. i told him i would take it outside. as i was leaving, coaches were entering i assume to understand what was wrong with tom, which was nothing except the cut on his head.

i finished the call to reassure and walked back into the room. all eyes landed on me and i knew something was up. "um... we're gonna leave" finn, the coach, stated scratching the back of his neck.
my eyes narrowed onto tom "hey babe. i know your gonna hate this and be really mad at me, but i've decided to go back on the pitch."
"you're what?" i cross my arms
"sorry babe. i love you and i'm fine. i promise" he cups my face in his hands and looks me in the eyes. i sigh.
"go on then" i roll my eyes not happy about the decision but it's what makes him happy.
"thank you" he smiles and kisses me. then he runs out the door and onto the pitch again.

finally, after what feels like forever, the final whistle blows. all the players are coming to greet their families.

tom's p.o.v
i make my way over to my family and from what i heard of the phone call my mum had been slightly upset about the whole head bleeding thing. i reach my mum and give her a hug, and she doesn't let go for a little while. it probably didn't make her feel better that i went back on but i need to show people what i'm made of. i reach my dad and he pulls me in for a hug "well done mate. you were excellent"
"cheers dad"
i give charlotte a hug "you're an idiot for going back out" and gives me a little shove and i laugh at her
i go to ben and do our bro hug thing "mate that was so cool" he whispers so my family doesn't hear and i laugh
"i know" i pause for a second and notice i'm missing someone "where's y/n?"
"over there mate. i think you have a bit of making up to do" ben smirks and point to her wrapping up jack nowell's knee. once she was done and he walked way, i took this as my opportunity. i tapped her on the shoulder and as soon as she turned around i smashed my lips onto hers.
i pulled away and lent my head against hers "thank you"
"for what?"
"always supporting me. even if my decision is stupid"

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