big brother - blair kinghorn

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request: peaceloveandloulou

y/n's p.o.v
i've been away at university for the past 3 months and my older brother, matt scott, has been playing a lot of great rugby for his team edinburgh rugby and i've been missing it all.

i finally get to go watch him as i now have some time off. matt made sure i got put in the box from family so i could see as much as possible. i found my seat in the box and i was sat next to this extremely handsome man with dark brown hair and a scruffy beard. he was wearing a blue suit that made his muscles look fantastic.

i sat beside him but didn't say anything. he looked so familiar but i couldn't put my finger on where i'd seen him.

the game began and it was a great game. both our attacking and defensive work was incredible. we finally scored and everyone jumped up screaming, including me. everything had calmed down again the guy next to me began chuckling and i turned to look at me. "can i help you with something?"

he looked at me and smiled "no, no" he looked away like he'd finished but then he suddenly looked back at me saying "i'm blair" and stuck his hand out. i looked down at it and back up to his eye, which were a beautiful brown colour.
"y/n" i said reaching out to shake his hand.
"beautiful name." i blushed. "so how did you get into this box?" he asked
i pointed to the pitch at my brother "that's my brother, scott"
he turned to look at me with a shocked expression "no way is that your brother" i nodded at him "we're teammates"
"oh you play rugby too" i realised this is why i recognised him.
"how come i haven't seen you here before?" he asked
"i've been away at uni and this is the first free time i've had to come see him"

the conversation between us flowed the entire way through the match, so much that we completely missed almost the entire match. the match had ended, turns out we won.

as we were leaving he asked "do you maybe wanna grab dinner sometime?"

i smiled at him, "of course i do"

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