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Feeling fear and meeting a special idiot

Y/n's Pov

I watched as the two shifted, Titum may seem small, but holy shit is his wolf form giant, it's nearly the same size as all mights, which confuses me.   His blond wolf  hunched low to the ground with Xander's Fawn body lifted. Xander's eyes glared. Xander jumped at him just missing Titum's quickly moving figure, Titum  opened his jaws a dark slime like liquid dripping from his mouth, the light bulbs in the room dimmed significantly, his eyes shone as he walked towards Xander, fear struck in his pale green eyes  he stalked over to Xander, his large body towering over his, Titum let out a low growl and he laid on the ground avoiding eye contact, he grinned and shifted back huffing and walking back over

"Now where were we?" I looked at him and to the scampering off male

"How the fuck are you so calm at this very moment?" I asked baffled, he only shrugged. They continued to talk for a while,

"Wait, you never told me. Who's your mate" I asked gazing down at him, he pulled a face.

"Ah, don't matter who i'm dating. Or who's my mate, does it?" He said looking over to a pole

"They're stupid and idiotic anyway!" He shouted towards the pole, it made a noise

"CHRIS GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE" there was no reply

"BITCH I CAN SEE YOU" i tail poked out from the pole and a boy with long hair that reached the bottom of his shoulders his ears flopped back and his tail swung softly between his legs, he stayed silent

"Why did you call me an idiot" he said with a sad pouting tone

"Cause you are an idiot Chris" Titum said face palming, his ears pressed back in annoyance and his tail seemed spiked.

"You're so meaan" Chris whined

"Well now you know who my mate is" Titum said ignoring the boy punching his back

"...lovely?" I said looking down confused on what the fuck was happening, i heard a chuckle from Titum who pushed Chris away and held him in a loose head lock

"Well we should probably head off, seeya Y/n"Titum said dragging the brunette away

"Baiii" Chris called out from behind him

"... What the fuck just happened?"

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