9 (also A/n at the end, please read)

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Little bit if fluff

Y/n woke up, her fluffed body curled slightly, she felt a warmth wrapped around her, she felt trapped, but she also felt safe and loved. She looked up and saw a coat of an ashy blond colour, she smiled softly and laid further into the warmth. She glanced over at the bi-coloured wolf that protectively had his body wrapped around a forest green coat. She yawned before trying to stand up and away from her mate, a low growl escaped the males lips. His ruby eyes glared up at her,

"Where, do you think you're going?" He asked her lowly, a shiver ran down her spine at his possessive tone,

"To get food ya big grump" she hummed out tiredly swatting his nose with her tail. She trotted towards the deer, ripping part of what was left from it, she hunkered down on the meat licking her lips as she finished.

Katsuki stood up, sitting beside her and rubbing his face into her neck, inhaling her scent

"You all good there buddy?" She cooed leaning her head on his. His tail thumped against the ground.

"Someone's happy" she said staring back at his tail

"I.....i don't know what you are talking about, dummy" he grumbled digging his face deeper into her coal coloured fur. She hit him with her tail again, he grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and flopped backwards, holding the she-wolf close to his ash blond fur.

"I.....i love you, ya know" he said with a small grin on his puppy dog face, his tail thumped against the ground, his ears pinned against his tilted head.

"Yeah.. i know, i love you too. Katsuki"

(Hello! I am the author of this book, i just want to thank you all for 1.75k reads, i never thought i would ever get this many, so i sincerely hope you enjoy this book, although i will be on hiatus for a while. I apologise for this sudden abrupt call, but i am having a lot of trouble keeping my mental health how i would like it to be.
I am currently dealing with family issues, as well as some of my friends leaving me. I know it may seem over dramatic, but i care deeply for my two friends, although i don't completely know why they left. Anyways, thank you and i hope you are cooperative with my decision on going on hiatus. As much as i hate doing this kind of stuff. I would like to over come this before I continue any of my books.
Yours truly- EmotionlessWaters/ Titum)

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