Dream on Jail

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On Dreamswap,its a bootiful and warm day ,There's a large caslte and a normal house
Who owns a large caslte is "JUSTICE REINGS" or JR
And who owns a normal house is the "MEME SQUAD"
In JR there are many towns people and many Guards
And two skeletons name "Dream" The leader of JR
And "Ink" is his partner
And in the Meme squad its only three skeletons named
"Nightmare" the shortest skeleton,"Cross" Nightmare's friend and the second tallest but Dream is the tallest then Cross but 1in. Left, and the 3rd
Is "Error" Nightmare and Cross's Friend and almost the same hight of Nightmare and his kinda friendly

.......Oh! Hey Im Nightmare,were having a plan to get in my brother's LARGE CASLTE! And his name is Dream,He loves someone but! Soooo! SAD! That person Die,Awwww poor Dream, Dream cry even in his fancy room until in the bed and he fall asleep, how do i know? Well! Thanks to Error! Ink tell Error what happend heh.... Cross get a juice and he sip it, i tell everything what do to!


Every monsters went to sleep me and Cross sneak into the castle..No! In Dream's Room.
Cross went up outside in the walls with his big knife, I hug him,we went inside. Cross look around "Woah! This room is every nice!I want to live here!" Cross Said and jump and shouting,Oh no Dream is gonna wake up soon because of Cross is shouting- '!!!!' OH NO! HIS JUMPING IN THE BED OF DREAM "CROSS!! DON'T! STOP JUMPING IN THE BED!!" I shout and near to Dream. He won't listen,Dream's face is like he can't sleep, wait..that's means...NO! "Cross! HIDE NO-" i cut my word because Cross fall on Dream,"whats with that Shock face?"Cross said with a childish voice and smile,I hide under the bed Because! HIS AWAKE!.

Heh..What's up with Nightmare, Huh? When i look back, '!!!' I got sarced...Dream...is awake because of me...jumping and shouting...I sit even Dream....He just stare at me..."uh-uhhh...w-what are y-you going t-t-to do..." I said with some fear because Dream is going to call the guards well...HIS GURADS,
I got Shock...He pat me..."its ok ..kid when you fall down to my body...Don't tell me you like this place..well..i hear you when you said 'Woah! I Want to live here'hm?"Dream said.Dream go down to his bed,wha...I really won't stop stare at his body...."What are you looking at Cross?"he ask what i staring at.I go near to him and touch his hot body,I blush hard."Oh...knew it,you really do love my body-"he blush too, he hold my cheek"besides...your cute"he said and kiss me!? Then he smile,"wha?....what that kiss for?!"I ask whats that for."its nonthing Cross.."He said and went back to the bed and sleep. Nightmare went out under the bed.."phew..lucky! Your not in jail! Cross..im worried if ur in jail"Nightmare said and had a sad face,I hug him "don't worry about that Nightmare" I said and still huging him."ok..." he said and hug me. The Door Open and THERE'S JR GUARDS!
Dream wake up,"Uhhhggg~ wtf guards! Why are you guys here!? I didn't even tell u to get Cr-"when he look back..."oops"Nightmare said and sweating."Hmmm....Cross you didn't tell me Nightmare is here too...."I got sarced and don't want to die because of Dream.
"Pfff! I don't care!" Dream shouted and he really looks sleepy ,Oh no....pls..don't put me in jail..."I'm really sleepy! And YOU STUPID GUARDS! CAN U SEE IM SLEEPING AND YOU GUYS BANG THE DOOR IN MINDNIGHT!?"Dream shout at the JR guards."B-but boss! There's Cross and Nightmare the bad guys are here"the JR guards said."ITS NIGHT TIME! We can do it TOM. MORNING!" Dream shout again."I saw you two....kissing...." an random preson said and went in to the room,push the JR guards. '!!!' *GASP* its "Ink? Ha.... how can u see me and Cross kiss? We didn't You lair! WHY SHOULD I KISS A BAD GUY!" Dream shouted at Ink,"NO!....GUARDS IM TELLING THE TRUTH! LOOK!"Ink showed the video to the JR Guards,No...Nightmare looked at me with a shock face,"Cross.....w-why did u kiss him...I TOLD U WHAT DO TO!" Nightmare shouted and get mad at me.I got sarced now to Nightmare..."B-but.."i said with a cute childish voice and a cute childish face. Nightmare hug me in almost on my body but in the.....uhh.. i won't say it...its really gross."N-nightmare... don't hug my-"i cut my word because of Nightmare."sorry" Nightmare said. Oh and Ink and Dream are fight but in words."GUARDS!! PUT THOSE THREE IN JAIL!" Ink Tell the JR guards to Put me,Nightmare and DREAM?! Maybe...The JR guards hold my arms,The another JR guards hug Nightmare and....ummm im right...JR guards hold the arms of DREAM!?.......Then were in jail.....Poor Dream his near to the wall,were 3 are in a the same cell.Dream's wings are in with chain,the chain are in the wall.he looks like a real prisoner...because he wasn't wearing his clothes only pants or..."Dream are you wearing-" I ask but i didn't fin.  What i said."im wearing only boxers.."Dream said....oh...so me and Nightmare are not in chain only Dream who is in chain...maybe because his way strong he use his wings always..I went to Dream near "what do u want?...leave me alone..why should i do that.."Dream said...And his crying...for the 2nd time...."Hey Dream.... You ok?" I ask Dream."*sniff* C-come h-here *sob*"Dream said and cry.
I go near to him and-..... He hug me...I hug him too I kiss his cheek......"Hey Dream do i have a crush on you?" I ask him. "Yup" Dream said doing a tears of joy....

I smiled...

Dream is really my Crush...heh

"Hey Dream..." i said. "Hm?"Dream said.
"I love u" I said and smiled
"I love u too Cross"Dream said and smiled with tears..

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