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Nightmare pov.

Blue cried so much. He never stop crying...when i look back
"Hey guys....Ink left" I said.
"Told you!guys His weird!" Fell sans said. Dream cried too... i try to talk to him but what he said is just the same. "Leave me alone! My love ones are died! And lost there mind!" Dream said repeat. -later- "what now?" Sans ask. "I don't know, I can't make Dream stop crying" I said looking at my brother crying so much again like how Ani died. Sans stand up. "I'll go look for Ink and make sure no one see you or maybe me too" Sans said we nod.

-Sans's pov.-
I teleport to a building. Then i seat in the ground...I get my heart locket..."one universe, can be the best for all of us".....i remember that voice again! Really! I Sighed "I...*sigh*..." i sighed again. "HEY LOOK A SHOWER METEOR" an Random monster said. I looked and smile..."heh..." I said....

Nightmare's pov.
....the other were been waiting for him..."Is that! Dude coming back now!?" Fell sans said. "Well....No..." I said.... "Hey guys! We need to LEAVE NOW!" We all turned around and saw Sans. "What's the matter!?" I ask him. "Killer and Cross!"Sans said. "Oh no" I said. "You Guys are STUPID!" We all looked Dream. "Dream... what did u just said to us? -STUPID-!?" Fell sans said and got shock. "I didn't say anything! You stupid buttholes!" Dream shouted.
"Hahahaha! Nice one Dreamy..." random person said. We all looked were that voice said. "CHARA!" I said. "help.... me.."Cross said in half of  Chara's face. "Chara! What did just to do Him!" I shout and get mad at Chara. "Oh,oh! Nightmare!..." Killer said. "Question? Why are u not attacking this Au. Outertale! Pff! What are ya even doing here? Huh ANSWER! BOSS" killer said. I got sacred."getting my team and my Brother's friends" I answer. "Heh"
Something happened....

~time Skip~

"INK!" Blue shouted.
"I-ink... I-" Ink cut Error's word
"What are you doing?" Ink said.
"YOU! FUNKING BUTTHOLE! HELP US OUT BY UR LOVER!" Dream shouted brah.... "Error can you just pls. Let us out" I begging him. He shook his head 'no' "but..."I stop continue my words.... because... "WATCH OUT!!" Sans shouted. And we all move.Then they start a fight.

-time skip-
(Lazy and i really skip more,if u really want to see the continue of this then watch Underverse 0.4, but some parts are not the same because in this story is underverse half Dreamswap)

-sans Pov.-(short)
I'm back at my Au... I drop my heart locket and my family(the major characters in undertale)
Start to hug me...They miss me so much... I've been gone so long....

~Nightamare's pov.~
Hmm....were still-oof
"Cross?" I said and look down.
"Nightmare I'm I've gone so long time"Cross said and cried that he misses me.I hug him too.... "Error?" Ink said. "FOR GOODNESS SAKE! UR FREAKING ACT-" Dream cut his word. "Dream what on world why are you mad!?" Ink said and do a childish act and face. "COME ON!!! WHYYYY!!" Dream said and got mad.

To be continued...... 

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