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    Nightmare pov.
Ok! Me and Dream were sitting down near! To the snowdin. "Hey Nightmare?" Dream said. "Yeah? What's up" i said. "Do u think that...Cross be differnt?" Dream said and worried about Cross. "Don't worry about him, he will be fine..." I said and hug Dream..."He'll be fine little bro..." I said.

Me and Dream sitting down on a soft snow. "OH! BROTHER LOOK! its CROSS!!" Dream said with his every cute voice and wave at Cross and Chara there. "Huh?...what...is that?"I ask Dream. "Hm?...IDK(i don't know) what's that..." Dream said and we both got confuse.

Uhhhgggg~~~ W-why do i feel every sick... C-chara......? "Oh! Good moring Cross! Luckly u awake! Ok! Were almost done on sowndin!....." Chara said and he puse.... what the...? "Wow(ie) What do we have here. Hey fluffy butthole Nice knife"That guy said that looks like me... uhhhh..." what the...what did u just call me.."I said with a doted face. "Ha. Whatever. Waddya want?. You made a pretty big mess out of snowdin... PFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ALL OF YOU ARE COWARDS, HIDING LIKE  IDIOTS!!" He said. Me and Chara  are sweating right now...oof "HAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT YOURSELVES! EVERBODY SUCKS!!" i know...its fell sans.... "Interesting guy living  in this pacifist timeline..." Chara said. Just...still sweating... I hold my knife in the air."Disgusting.." I said and throw my knife in fell sans.oof i didn't mean to uhhh... hit it in the arm,I ran into him "OH GOSH! IM SORRY! D-DID I HURT U!!?" I Said and im worried. "Uhh... Its ok... Im not in hurt ok.. look? Just alittle bi-" I cut his and put him in a bandaid. "Where did ya get that?" Fell sans ask. "I steal it from another au!" I said. "HOW DID U GET TO ANOTHER AU! CROSS!" chara said and go mad. "S-sorry.." I said and got sad... "whatever..lets get into a fight!" Chara said and hold my HAND WITH A KNIFE! And Throw it to fell sans! Phew... He miss it. "Hey... I think were going to have a..... GREAT TIME" Fell sans said and his left eye trun red and trun flame. "Oh no.. CHARA! WHY DID U DO THAT!" i shouted at him. "Heh" Chara said. Then... We made a fight... Oh boy...

OHHHHH NOOO! CROSS! "NO! CROSS!! WHY DID U DO THAT!" I shout and standing up. "B-brother!  He didn't listen to us..." Dream said and feel bad. "We'll watch ok! Cross never! Do bad!" I said. "Yeah. Just like Before, I remeber that u act just like a gaurd and then I got shock that i saw a small gaurd that i have. Then! Then!" Dream said and i put my hand into his mouth."Yeah YEAH!" I said and blush. He laughed so hard. "About now? Ur samll and im TALL! HA" I said. "I KNOW! when were done everything, YOU WILL BE SAMLL AGAIN" Dream said.

Uhhhh~~~"IM SORRY FELL SANS!" I almost stab him but.. a gaster blaster went go shoot to my knife huh? Me and Chara look back..! "Did you...absorb his soul...CROSS!! THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Ink said and carry Sans. "Hello...Ink... uhhh well I-i didn't mean to hurt him ok?" I said and got sarced. Dream teleport here with nightmare. "DREAM!?.....NIGHTMARE!?" Ink said and got shock. "What up with ya Cross!? U attack him!" Dream said and got mad. "I-it was Chara!"I said. "Hmmmm... Oh Chara... why..." Ink said. "Oh whatever we got all the code...so BYE!" Chara said and We both teleport.

   Nightmare pov.
Oh no....... 


me and Dream teleport to XTALE Then we saw Cross is sleeping...But then there's something happending.. Cross is acting Crazy... he laugh....Then he stab himself...
"*Huff* *Huff*" Cross teleport the mirror. "Ha...your out... kid...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Cross said and me and Dream went inside and go to the back of Cross "you like to talking to ur self?" I ask. Cross look back."AAAHHHHHH!!! phew...its just u and Dream...." Cross said. "Yup" Dream said and I nod. "Btw(By the way).... I need u Nightmare to teleport a world called 'UNDERSWAP'" Cross said. "OH! Ur looking for Blue...I guess..."Dream said. "Yes...we need Blue to come back and help... I promise to be good Dream and Nightmare....Promise" Cross said and made a promise. "Ok!" Me and Dream said.

    INK'S POV.
Ok....Now...Error! Get me AGAIN! "....Error what do u want pal?" I ask him. "Oh! Y-you know... Btw(by the way)....Can we be Friends...I mean... your ALWAYS! Being mean and try to have a one friend on the mene squad" He said..He looks every kind...and Friendly...he wants me! To be his friend! "SURE!! YES! I REALLY WANT TO BE UR FRIENDS! PAL." I said and feel every happy! He untie me "oh..really! T-thank u! Ink" Error said and his happy too. He hug me!? "Woah! Error...." I blush little bit... I hug him back and pat his head. "Btw(By the way)Error....I have to go now... ok, Im trying to stop Cross from... You know?" I said. "Cross?... what's up with him?" Error ask. When i look down... "OMG!!" I shout and touch the-
"W-wha the!?" Error said. "Anyways... I gotta go... can u teleport us in-" Error cut my words and he put a portal to waterfall. I go in and there's Sans and fell sans. "Hey guys.. Sorry i take so much long" I said. "Its ok" sans forgive me. Fell forgive me too. "Hmmmm.... So what world Cross will go?" I said. "I know" huh? Its Dream who said it. "Dream!" I shouted. "I was with my brother and Cross. So were at Underswap" Dream said. "Thanks Dream... " I said. "Np" Dream said. "Hey Ink. U know why this sans is here." Sans said. "Idk (I don't know)" I said. "He wants to join us like a team" Sans said. OMG!! "Wha-!" I cut Fell sans word. "S-SO! WERE LIKE A TEAM!" I Said and im really happy.

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