Three: Wings

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~~~~ Flash-Forward [I figured it out!] ~~~~

My mind echoed like rushing waves, flipping from small ones that led to bigger and bigger waves. Soon they would wash up to the plain grainy sand.  But the thoughts lasted even when the waves calmed, it was like feeling sand stuck in your shoes. Then all a sudden a flash of sun appeared over the horizon.

"Kai? Do you ever wonder about the other, Librarians?" Irene asked. She sat on a bench viewing the ocean waves that crashed back down into the sea, her brown hair having tints of gold, red, and pink in her hair. Making it look flawless in the lighting. She sat next to one of her best friends and mentee. His short black hair hung to the sides of his face, flowing to the left with the oceans breeze. His deep brown eyes focused on the sun dropping down over the horizon line, eyes glowing with the sun. He seemed more into watching the sun rather than engaging with conversation.

"Kai?" Irene questioned.

"Oh." Kai said with a little smile still focusing on the color changing sky. Irene just sighed and focused her gaze to the sky as well. Deep oranges, yellows, pinks, purples, and blues clashed together to make the sky look like putting a puzzle together.

"I guess, sometimes I do." Kai finally replied and Irene just nodded in a bobbing motion.

"Its just...I'm curious about the other Librarians. I've only gotten to meet a few, but only the ones that teach us about the Library...or their other students of the Library like, Brandamont."

"Yeah, I understand being curious, but maybe they don't tell us because their trying to protect us from something that may be deceiving." Kai replied even more focused on the sun that dipped down lower and lower, sky turning a deep blue in the matter of seconds.

Irene wanted to say something but instead hushed up and brushed some sand from her purple skirt. She stood up looking at Kai, "Well...I think that's enough talking for tonight." Irene said smiling brightly, enjoying the peaceful moment with Kai instead of being thrown into a wild goose chase, again.

They were both given a short break to re-calm their nerves from their last adventure. Kai stood up to join Irene, full attention on her now, "Of course. Thanks for watching the sunset with me." He smiled glancing up once more at the dark sky and crashing waves and they parted ways.

I sat watching the waves in the dark, mind focused on what was to come next. Those waves would still come crashing even if you didn't want them to but you just had to keep moving forward. Finally I walked home in the dark, with only the street lamps to guide my way.

~~~~ End ~~~~

Footsteps echoed like thunder through my pounding head. Sand still stuck between each of my toes. I shook my head, feeling something covering my head and also seeing nothing but black.
I thrashed around trying to get my hands freed but they were tied together with something. Tied behind my back and attached to a pole, which made it even harder to escape from. There was no telling how high the pole was with a blindfold on. Ugh. This night just keeps getting better. I grunted as I lifted my arms up but they were just sent back crashing down into the harsh floor. A pang rushed up my broken arm leaving it numb and in pain. I let out a terrible screech but only fell silent when I felt someone entered the room with heavy footprints again. I gulped, the sun had now vanished and I was sucked right back under the salty black waves. Right back into reality.

"Were y-you kidnapped t-too?" My dry throat cracked, craving the taste of un- salty water. The blindfold might as well have been ripped from my face because it burned like a slap as a harsh hand yanked it off my face. Light flooded in from all directions. Leaving me to blink as it dilated my pupils so tiny that they were barely visible to the human eye. The light hung above me, shiny down through black bars that caged me. The light was like none other I'd seen before, it was a neon green. I started right into it confused, but soon looked away as my eyes watered and burned. At first I saw a silhouette of a young boy about my age.

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