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A girl was going to be released from the hospital today. She expected to be addressed courteously and to spend her interval with her two best friends. Oh, boy was she wrong.

Everyone in the orphanage was consuming breakfast in the dining room when they apprehended the click of the front door open and close. Soft footprints patted down the hallway. Soon, they were faced with a warm gummy smiling appearing on a little girl's creamlike face.

Most of the kids there were excited the girl's absence was back. They all approached her with welcoming smiles. However, a jet blacked hair boy divided straight into her arms as soon as he perceived the impression of her.  They adhered onto each other like it was going to be their closing day together.

They extracted apart after a few minutes and the girl began searching for another boy, the one that made her heart pound repeatedly against her chest. She soon recognised him at the corner of the room and sprinted to give him an embrace. Unexpected, she answered with a vigorous push that made her collapsed to the ground, hard.

Y/n looked up, shocked that the person she cared most for just pushed her like she was nothing to him. The person who promised to care for her. The person who made her day simply by giving her a thoughtful gesture. The person who promised they would never leave each other no matter what. The person who said he wanted them together in the future. The person who made all those meaningless promises is the one who just eradicated her heart.

"T-tom.." Y/n bearly breathed out due to the tears threatening to fall from her face.

"Get away from me," Tom replied coldly, not a hint of interest nor affection in his tone. His face cold as stone, he proceeded to glare at the dainty girl now laying on the floor, tears flowing repeatedly from her face.

Seeing the monster-like display from the elder male, Ethan encompassed over and submerged the diminutive girl in his arms. His ice cold glare stagging daggers into Tom's head. How could someone be so injurious to the innocent? Tom was no immeasurable than that wench who maltreat Y/n.

The next words that came out of the girl's mouth shocked everybody in the orphanage, "I hate you," she spoke to the boy.

"All your promises were meaningless lies, all your loving actions were forced and my love for you is none existent,"  Y/n replied venom dripping from each word. Throwing the promise necklace Tom gave her at his chest hurtfully.


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