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Ensnared inside this hypothetical hell, his consistently evolving attitude was not benefiting me to observe any pleasanter either. Tom would shower me with love, however, when I made even the most diminutive comment of the traumatic requirements, he would convert to a monster and complain about how dissatisfied I was to him. 

The once rich relish now perceived bitter and like poison-my face wrenching as I drove the substance down my throat. Tears swelling in my now lustrous eyes, suffocating and convulsing, trying not to draw the attention of Tom. 

I dragged myself to the bathroom, strenuously accelerating the content out of my body. Hair strands slowly emerging to the border my now green face. 

After deteriorating the filth out of my mouth, I crept my way back to the bed. These past few days, I have been undergoing suffering, invariably exhausted and sweating even though it was freezing. 

Steps obtained apprehended, assuming it was Tom's stride down the corridor I feigned to be unconscious. 

The doorknob rotated, the personage sauntered towards me, veiny hands cupped my cheeks while his large fingers were gently stroking it.

A low chuckle was then detected, a scorching breath was granting shivers down my spine while he was susurrating, "I know you're awake." 

The strength of him transporting my blanket off was obdurate enough to strike a horse. As soon as the warm cover adhered the cool floor, a hand snaked its way to my waist forcing me to his chest. 

Soundlessly petitioning for my life, I caught the last words before I was engaged with darkness, "You shouldn't lie like that kitten." 


The last line was so cringey I apologise. 

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