Chapter 15- Don't Worry

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"Everything okay?",daddy asks me as I take a seat beside Aaleyah who's feeding Amir some milk.

"Yeah, the babies are healthy. Said I might experience labour around 37 weeks instead of the full 40 weeks because am carrying twins. Or it could be earlier. But they're okay though".

"Ah Alhamdulilah, that's good",he whispers.


"And Abiodun?".

"He came, he was even early sef. I met him there",I chuckle.


"Yeah, he's happy.... He even started planning on the baby rooms already. But obviously am not staying with him so he's thinking of paying for all the decorations and set up for their rooms. Since there's not much room at home and I can't live with Khalid anymore because of the divorce, he wants to get me my own place. Said he wants to pay for it and everything else. He wouldn't even take no for an answer so I ended up agreeing".

"Mmm I pray that he really is changing for the better",Daddy whispers.

" too".

"And Khalid? Have you spoken to him?",uncle Yaqub asks me.

"Uh, not really. Whenever he comes home, he just goes straight into the guest room and locks himself there. He doesn't even eat anything I make, I think he eats out then".

"Everything will work itself out InshAllah".

I nod then look towards Aamanee who's patting Aamil's butt so he could go to sleep.

"So you're moving out?",Fawaz looks at me.

"Well I have to. B-".

My phone starts ringing cutting me off what I was going to say. I pick it up and Abiodun's name flashes repeatedly so I accept the call.

Phone conversation

Me: hey, wassup?

Him: quick question, would you mind if I dropped by like randomly to meet my kids though? Or do I have to always call?

Me: bruh, they ain't even here yet....calmmmmm

Him: STILL. Oh and am outside with the kids, can someone open up?

Me: oh okay, I'll tell Aremu to come open up. Don't press the bell, Aamanee is trying to put Aamil to sleep

Him: wasn't gonna anyways, why you think I called you

Me: yeah, yeah. Don't try to be smart

Him: *chuckles* hard to NOT with you

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