Chapter 29 - Full Circle

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We expected money would be the biggest challenge in starting the foundation's work. We were surprised to find selecting a name for the foundation was a temporary road block. The group members from our initial meeting were emotionally invested in the foundation's purpose. Kitty thought naming the foundation after Ned was an excellent idea. I suggested we name the foundation after Kitty, but she quickly nixed that idea. Lynn piped up wanting the foundation to be named after her mother, Myra. A tempting choice that brought tears to my eyes. Jake suggested we name the foundation after Aunt Rose since the foundation was her idea. Aunt Rose quickly took that option off the list. Finally, we recognized there were many community members who deserved to be honored. We decided to use their names within the foundation's various departments.

We needed a name that would capture the foundation's purpose. The first couple of names we came up with were found to be in use. After many weeks, we finally settled on a name that was not in use and reflected the foundation's mission. The name we chose was the Embrace Nature Foundation. The motto we chose was 'Connecting the Natural World.' We hoped these selections would pass the test of time.

The foundation's legal paperwork was completed and filed. We were officially a foundation. Tonight, we were celebrating by sitting under a full moon at a cave entrance that looked down over the forest. Everyone from that first meeting was in attendance. Aunt Rose, Ranger Dave, Jake, Rocky and I brought food for a potluck dinner and meals for the small cats. Ranger Dave had brought fresh road kill for Kitty and Brock. The moon and stars were our decorations. The sounds of the forest our music. A light warm breeze kissed our faces. Fireflies blinked in the forest below. Nature's silent fireworks.

After our festive meal, I watched as Ranger Dave showed Jake how to whittle a piece of wood. I giggled watching Jake struggle with the whittling knife. Kitty was giving Brock a tongue bath. Brock splayed on the cave floor in bliss. Aunt Rose was crocheting Lynn a scarf as she asked Rocky about his community. Twitch was in my lap, my hand gliding down her back as she purred.

"Thank you Twitch for finding me, bringing me home and helping me to create a family." Twitch looked at me with her glowing eyes and blinked.

Lynn sat with Smoke, Ash and Shock at the cave's entrance. The cat's tails slapped back and forth as they watched the dark forest below. Lynn could see as well as the cats in the dark. She had learned to talk fluently via telepathy. I could tell she was privately discussing with the cats what they saw scampering through the forest. Lynn pointed and her little body trembled with excitement. I rose with Twitch in my arms and joined the little group.

"What do you see?" I asked Lynn. Lynn turned to me her eyes glowing bright in the darkness and smiled.

"Mommy, it's a secret!"

© Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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