Chapter 1

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Normal POV

Jeon Jeongguk: 15 years old
Jeon Wonwoo: 16 years old

They were sitting in the Family Room with their parents, not knowing their lives were going to change that day. Their dad, the CEO of Bighit Entertainment just came back after a long day and they were watching the tv silently.


All the sudden a man wearing a black ski mask slammed the front door open. He was tall and muscular. He wore all black and carried a large black hand gun. His eyes were black and looked almost dead.

The Jeon parents stood in front of their children, protecting them from the strange man. Jeongguk was curious, he looked around his dads broad shoulders and looked directly at the man.

"Give me the kids and no one will get hurt." The man demanded in a deep voice that made the boys shiver in fear.

"You will need to go through us first." Mr. Jeon said firmly.

Wonwoo was on his phone and called 911(It's the line for the police in Canada). He put the phone to his ear and waited for someone to pick up.

"WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND, I WANT THE KIDS!!! You guys can always have another, you're young." The man said.

It was true, the Jeon parents were fairly young when they had Wonwoo. They were only 19 when Mrs. Jeon conceived him.

"We won't give them to you," Mrs. Jeon said nervously.

Two new people walked into the house, they surrounded the family.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There are three people in our house. They are threatening us with a gun and demanding for the children." Wonwoo said to the phone.

"Shit, the kids on the phone,"

"Shoot him, we don't need both of them."

Jeongguk's eyes widened when he heard it.

The man shot the gun, Mrs. Jeon's scream could be heard when the loud sound of the gun was heard. Jeongguk's adrenaline rushed when ran in front of his brother.

Wonwoo closed his eyes, not being able to move.

At the same time, the two other men fired their guns as well but at different targets.

It only took a second, the police ran into the house, but it was too late. The Jeon parents were already shot.

Wonwoo opened his eyes when he heard, "This is the police, drop your weapons and put your hands on your head."

But when he opened them he saw his parents on the floor bleeding. He looked around for his brother hoping nothing happened to him.

He felt something wet on his foot and looked down.

His heart stopped for a moment when he saw his younger brother. He fell on his knees before his brother and grabbed his hand. The paramedics rushed in with a stretcher and carefully put Jeongguk on it. Wonwoo ran to catch up, but he couldn't help but hear,

"The parents didn't make it, they were shot directly in the head."

"What about the kid?"

"He was shot directly on the spine it seemed like he was protecting the other kid. He has a higher chance of living than the parents."

Wonwoo turned his head, tears making their way down his face.


Jeongguk's POV

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