Chapter 2

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Normal POV

~~~~~6 years later~~~~~

"Hyung, can I help you with anything?" Jeongguk asked rolling into the room.

"No thank you Gguk, I appreciate the offer," Wonwoo said.

Now that Wonwoo was of age, he was officially the CEO of Bighit.

"Hyung, I have to go to my appointment." Jeongguk said waving looking at his phone.

"*sigh* I wish to see him happy again," The oldest muttered.


"I'm sorry Kookie, I am retiring, but, you will get a student of mine. I made sure he would be able to help you." The Psychiatrist, Dr Kwon said.

"It's alright Doctor, I won't get any better. I mean, it's been 6 years and I haven't shown any sign of improvement. I'm hopeless." Jeongguk said calmly.

"I'm used to it anyways,"

The doctor looked at Jeongguk with pity. Just as it got quiet, the door slowly opened.

"Ahh, Doctor Kim, just on time."

"This is Jeon Jeongguk, your new patient." Dr Kwon said gesturing to Jeongguk.

The doctor stood on the spot for a second.

"Hi Jeongguk, I'm Kim Taehyung, lets be good friends!" He said excitedly.

"Sure," Jeongguk said unenthusiastically.

"Great let's start. I want to know all about you!" Taehyung said smiling.

"I'm Jeon Jeongguk and I have no parents." Jeongguk said rolling his eyes at the enthusiastic psychiatrist.

Taehyung wrote stuff down on his clipboard.

"I don't think that is it, tell me a little more." The psychiatrist urged.

"I have anxiety and I can't walk,"

"How about something positive?"

"I am positively depressed."

"Okay...." Taehyung chuckled awkwardly.

"I heard you are taking physical therapy, how is that going?"

"Pretty shitty, I know I am never going to walk ever again." Jeongguk said.

He is going to be tough to crack. Taehyung thought.

He smiled again.

"Why are you smiling? Are you sure you don't need a psychiatrist?" Jeongguk said with worry in his voice.

"I'm sure, I'm just really happy today." Taehyung said.

"Your smile is cute, it looks like a box," Jeongguk bluntly stated.

"I bet you have a cute smile too." The psychiatrist said.

"I don't know, I haven't seen myself smile in a loooong time."

Taehyung felt accomplished, the patient was talking to him without any problems.

"Now, lets get into the serious stuff, what triggers your anxiety?" He asked.

"Loud noises mostly, sometimes if I see anything that looks like a gun, also people shouting. And I mean it makes me anxious to see people all dressed in black clothing, head to toe. It's not as bad as the others though." Jeongguk listed the things on his fingers.

Taehyung wrote everything down.

"Is there anything that makes you happy?" Taehyung asked tapping his clipboard with the pen.

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