Chapter 5

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Normal POV

He was chain by his ankle to the wall. Not like he would go anywhere anyways. He already gave up.

"You are boring, I want to play but you can't feel anything below your waist. I wouldn't be able to hear the screams of pain if I fuck your hole open." The man said.

"Might as well torture the rest of your body. Should I use my gun or my knife?" The man asked Jeongguk who was gagged.

The moment the word was said Jeongguk's eyes widened in fear and he started sweating freaking out.

"Now that's the reaction I wanted. What, are you scared of my gun?" He said speaking softly and caressing Jeongguk's chin.

He pulled it out of his belt and Jeongguk started freaking out more flailing the parts of his body he could move.

The man unlocked the chains on his ankle and picked him up and threw him on the bed, handcuffing his hands to the headboard.

He took the gun again and turned off the safety. Jeongguk tried to struggle even more but he couldn't move his legs and his hands were cuffed. He tried to move his head as the man rubbed the gun against his face.

But when he moved the man hit him across the face with the hard metal. He screamed in pain as the metal cut and bruised his face.

"So if I do stuff to your pretty face and torso, you can feel it? HUH?"

Jeongguk was in too much pain to reply.

"Never been hit in the face before, it hurts doesn't it?" The man laughed at his pain.

He took the cloth from his mouth and threw it on the floor somewhere.

"You really are gorgeous, too bad I will have to ruin your pretty face." He said while taking the knife and running the dull part against his face.

He turned the knife over and deeply cut into Jeongguk's face.

His eyes filled with tears as he shouted out in pain. It was almost unbearable. The tears slid down his face.

"The doctor said that they are making something to help me have more fun, she spoils me." The man said excitedly.

Jeongguk didn't exactly know who the doctor was but he knew she was on the evil mans side.

"Maybe I should cut more than just your face, don't you think?"

He didn't respond hoping the man will get tired of him.

After about 3 hours of non stop torture the man finally got tired, muttering something about checking on the doctor.

Jeongguk sighed in relief and after about half and hour of nothing fell asleep his hands still cuffed to the bed.


With the help of Mingyu's dad, Taehyung found out that the man who attacked the Jeon family 6 years ago escaped from prison just a week ago and before Jeongguk was found missing.

The moment he showed the picture to Wonwoo he freaked out.

"He was the one who took him? The guy from-" he couldn't continue. Mingyu looked at him with sympathy.

"He let Bang Shi Hyuk run the company for now. I forced him to eat, I forced him to sleep. Nothing I do seems to help. Please help him Hyung." Mingyu said to Taehyung.

"I'm doing everything in my power to help him."


It had been another half week, exactly 4 days. Jeongguk was still handcuffed to the bed, but instead of his usual clear skin, there were scars and bruises littering his baby face. It had been almost 2 days since the man came to visit him, but Jeongguk didn't know that.

The last thing that the man said to him was something about helping the Doctor create something to help him have more fun. Jeongguk didn't think much of it.

The door slammed open. He flinched, even though he knew it was the man. He still had his anxiety.

The man was carrying a long needle and an ugly grin on his face. He walked towards the smaller male.

"Are you ready boy? It took the doctor a long time to make this!" The man laughed a little too enthusiastically.

He brought the needle towards his hips, just where Jeongguk couldn't feel the needle piercing his skin. The effect took a little while, maybe 5 minutes.

"Well, did it work?" Jeongguk said sassily.

The man didn't answer, he just took out his knife, his shit-eating grin still on his face.

Without warning, the man deeply cut into Jeongguk's thigh.

He screamed, the pain was even more unbearable than his face.

"Yeah, it worked," The man looked eager. "Though it won't be permanent."

Jeongguk attempted to move away from the man, using his weak legs to push himself closer to the head board. He knew what the man wanted to do to him.

"God your sexy body has been making me horny for god knows how long. I can't wait to taste you." The man licked his lips and grabbed Jeongguk's ankle roughly, pulling him away from the head board.

"N-no, s-stop!" Jeongguk managed to stutter.

The man ignored him and ripped his clothing off.

No matter how many times he begged and screamed for him to stop, the man never did.

So, yeah......

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