Chapter 4

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Normal POV

"Hey Gguk you need to leave your room." Wonwoo's deep voice said through the door.

His voice is so deep, like Taehyung's.

It had been almost a week. Jeongguk skipped all of his appointments. Both the physio and the psychiatrist appointments. He didn't care however. He knew no matter how much exercises he received or how many psychiatrist visits, he wouldn't get better.

He lost hope. I mean wouldn't you?

The loss of his movement was enough for the poor boys weak heart, but the impact of the heart wrenching news of Taehyung's girlfriend made it 10x worse.

Jeongguk sat on his bed, like he has the passed week. He didn't even know the date.

The handle of the door rattled and the lights were turned on.

"C'mon Gguk, you have to go to your appointments. I payed for them, you have to go."

"Hyung, I'm sorry I can't find a job,"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care if you pay of not. I only want you to get better."

"I won't get better, you don't need to pay for it anymore."


"Don't Gguk me, I know what's best for me!" He yelled angrily.

"You don't know what's best for you!! Why are you suddenly acting like this?! You were getting better last time I saw you."

"Things change Hyung, and plus you never see me anymore. You are always working."

Wonwoo looked offended.

"I work so I can pay for your appointments, and so we can live in a house like this. I don't see you because I actually do stuff with my life!!!!"

The moment he said those words his face changed from angry to regretful.

Jeongguk was beyond angry.




And with that Wonwoo left the room. Looking back to see Jeongguk looking at his lap.


He was right, Jeongguk thought.

He couldn't do anything with his life.

Struggling, Jeongguk managed to get himself in his chair.

He rolled out of the room and down the installed ramp. He went out the door and down the long driveway, out the gate and down the street.

He didn't know where he was going, he's never been in the streets without Jimin or Yoongi. They were the ones usually to take him to the appointments, or the café. He never liked being alone. Especially after the accident.

He found himself at a bridge he was unfamiliar with. He looked at the water.

It looked so free. All it did was flow around. But in reality, it wasn't free, the dams built stopped it from being truly free, from joining the rest of the water in the oceans. But it still made the most of the space it has.

Jeongguk wished he could be like that. But unfortunately the life God gave him wasn't like that.

"Look who we got here,"

Jeongguk didn't even notice the tears in his eyes when he faced the man.

The couldn't recognize the man. He was tall (but everything to him looked tall to him), and muscular. But as soon as he looked at his eyes he freaked out.

The Boy in the Wheelchair [Taekook Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now