1K Special

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Special chapter for reaching 1K reads!! Thank you all so much!!!

~~~4 years after his death~~~

Jeongguk's POV

I watched everything, the funeral, the kid growing up, him meeting new friends. But not once had he ever looked for a lover.

I wanted him to be happy. Even if it wasn't with me.

I wish Taehyung can be happy again!

I thought. I hoped some god up there could hear my wish and grant it. I wanted a god to give him another chance at love. I wanted his child to have another father or a mother. I didn't care as long as he is happy.

But suddenly, I saw a light, like at the end of a dark tunnel, it was so bright I closed my eyes covering them with my hands. And when I opened them I was met with a sight I never expected to see.

I was laying down in a large clearing. Garbage surrounded me.

I moved my legs. Wait.....I MOVED MY LEGS!

I stood up and immediately fell down again. They were so weak. This time I stood up slowly. Making sure I was stable, I took a few steps. I made my way slowly onto the sidewalk.

"Holy shit, sir do you need help," a man said. He grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder and helped me walk.

We made it to a house—I assumed his house—and he put me down on the couch. He left for a few minutes and came back with a towel and some clean clothes.

"I'm Choi Soobin,"

"Thank you for helping me Soobin-ssi. I'm Jeon Jeongguk it's nice to meet you."

"Not to be rude, but what happened to you anyway? You look like a mess."

"I-I don't really wanna talk about it." I said thinking of the horrific things they did to me.

"I have a towel so you can have a shower. If you need help just call my name." Soobin said.

"Thank you,"


I was in the clothes Soobin lended me. They were kind of big on me though.

"Is there anything you need, I can let you stay the night if you want to."

"No thank you, you've been really kind to me."

With a bow and a lot of thank you's I finally left his house after a couple of hours. I pulled the face mask Soobin gave me over my nose and mouth, and the sweater he gave me over my body. It was fall so it was a little chilly outside.

I had to find Taehyung. I knew he was alive, I knew he had a son, I just didn't know where he lived.

So I decided to visit the café that Seokjin owned.

I walked into the—now large—café and I was filled with nostalgia. All the memories of Taehyung and I filling my brain. I didn't get to tell him how I feel. Then my mind filled with thoughts on my brother. I hadn't seen him where I was. Neither had I seen Hoseok, Yoongi, Seokjin, Jimin, not Namjoon. I missed them.

I sat in a small booth where my back was facing away from the counter.

A waitress came up to my table.

"Do you know what you would like?" She asked me.

"Can I get a Caramel Macchiato please,"

She wrote it down, "is that all?"

"Yes, thank you," I said smiling with my eyes at her.

She left, leaving me alone again.

There was a loud sound of dishes being dropped. It made me jump. I started feeling the dread I used to feel when these things happened back then.

It took me a few minutes, my breathing was heavy.

A felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, but are you okay?" A small voice asked me.

He looked to only be in elementary school. Maybe 10 or 11 years old.

I nodded ruffling his hair lightly.

"Bud, what did I tell you about speaking to strangers?" A deep voice asked the little boy.

"But daddy, he wasn't breathing proper. He looked scared." Bless this child. I thought.

I couldn't look up though, I was embarrassed for seeming so weak.

"No it's okay sir, he was making sure I was okay." I stood up and looked at his face.

My heart stopped beating. My eyes widened. I had been looking for him. Kim Taehyung, my psychiatrist, my love.

"T-Taehyungie," I stammered. I hadn't seen him face-to-face in years.

He looked at my face with confusion.

I pulled my mask down.

It took him a minute to take it in. When it sunk in, he blinked and his eyes filled up with tears.

"G-Ggukie, w-what, h-huh."

"Daddy, who is this?" The little boy asked.

"Bud, this is daddy's love, the one we visit every holiday."

"Did he come back so he can meet us again?"

I chuckled, "I really wanted to meet you Jungkook, I'm Jeon Jeongguk, it's so nice to finally see you."

The little boy ran up and hugged me.

Taehyung was still standing there.

"What are you waiting for Tae, an invitation, come and greet me already." I said tears threatening to fall.

He walked up to me and brought me into his arms tightly. I felt the familiar spark. He wouldn't let go.

He let go after a few minutes. And brought his face towards mine. Our lips collided, making me open my eyes in surprise.

I closed them and enjoyed his lips moving on mine.

"Daddy, Jeonggukkie, I'm still here," the boy said covering his eyes.

I giggled as we separated.

"I love you Kim Taehyung."

"I love you too Jeon Jeongguk."


We walked back home. As Tae opened the door Jungkook hugged my waist.

"Thank you for making daddy happy."

I hugged him back. "Thank you for making him happy while I was gone."

Large arms surrounded both of us.

"You both make me so happy, let's be a big happy family."

—The End—

I hope you guys enjoy the extra.

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