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     CARLA RETURNED TO THE HOUSE IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING, tears prickling her eyes, feeling utterly hopeless and alone. She crawled into Klaus's bed, before letting out a quiet sob, and soon succumbing to sleep.

     Pogo, upon hearing someone enter the house, gently pushed open the bedroom door, and saw Carla lying in bed, cheeks glistening with tears, curled up into a ball.

     Pity twisted deep in his stomach, and he eyed the pink gloves covering her hands. He frowned deeply, before letting out a sigh and gently shutting the door behind him.

     She woke up at around midday, crawling out of bed, her ribs burning. She went down to the kitchen, making herself a mug of coffee, adding too much sugar, and also fumbling around for some painkillers before taking two to ease her pain.

     It didn't take long for Carla to be dressed, leaving through the window like Five had done in order to avoid meeting anyone. She was ready to set out again, looking for Klaus as best she could.

     "Hello, have you seen my brother?" Carla asked a woman walking down the street, "He's quite tall, and has this large coat, and a goatee-"

     "No, sorry," the lady said with a sympathetic smile, before walking on.

     Carla approached a man, "Hi, have you seen my-?"

     He walked on, not even sparing her a glance.

     She ran a hand through her hair, beginning to feel desperate after two hours of looking around again. Stumbling slightly, she walked down the main street, peering into various shop windows for any sign of Klaus.

     Suddenly, a small bang and flash of orange light made her spin around. From over the top of a building, she saw the top of a mini explosion, dark smoke curling up into the sky.

     If anyone were to be involved in an explosion, it had to be Klaus.

     She ran down the road, turning right, and halting when she saw a figure crouched down on the other side of the street. He was wearing dark green clothes, and his skin was dirty, but she would recognise that birds' nest of hair anywhere.

     "Klaus?" Carla asked quietly, before saying louder, "Klaus!"

     The man looked up, tear tracks staining his face, and upon seeing Carla a new wave of emotion hit him, "Carla?"

     "Klaus!" she yelled, before running across the street. Klaus staggered to his feet, before opening his arms just in time for her to crash into him, the pair spinning round, both sobbing each other's name.

     For Carla, it had been just over twenty-four hours, the longest she had been separated from him (apart from when he had been in and out of rehab, of course), especially when she knew something had happened.

     She had feared the worst, that the two masked figures took and killed him, but she could see in his eyes it was so much worse. Klaus set her on her feet, but still clung onto her body, shaking with sobs.

     For him, it had been far longer since he last saw her.

     "Carla," he choked out, "God, it's good to see you."

     "What happened?" Carla pulled away, looking in concern to see his blood-stained hands.

     Klaus just shook his head, before breaking down again, and Carla wrapped her arms around him, "Hey, it's okay. You're okay."


     Eventually, the pair managed to get back to the Academy, Klaus telling her what had happened, and Carla swore she felt her heart break.

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