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     CARLA WAS PERCHED ON THE EDGE OF A DUMPSTER, legs swinging slightly, eating a slice of toast Grace had prepared for her earlier.

     "Look," she told an irritated Klaus, "I'm not saying it's not here, but you've been at this for ages, and you're no closer to finding it." She paused, "Actually, that's exactly what I'm saying. I don't think it's here."

     "I know it's here because I threw it here. I need Pogo to get off my ass," Klaus threw a bag of trash out of the dumpster.

     "Klaus," she whined, "This is boring."

     "Can you both shut up?" Klaus snapped angrily, and Carla knew Ben was probably complaining just as much as she was.

     "Can't we go get donuts or something?" Carla sighed wistfully, "I really want donuts."

     Klaus groaned, "If you're so bored, go see if you can tag along with Diego or something. See if he'll teach you how to throw knives. That would be fun."

     "Yeah, no thanks," Carla mused, taking the last bite of her toast and brushing her hands off, "He kinda scares me, to be honest."

     "I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus," the voice of Five said, as he climbed down a fire escape ladder, a large bag on his back that probably was holding Dolores, "But then it occurred to me: I don't care."

     He jumped down the last few rungs, looking at Klaus in mild interest.

     "Hey," Klaus said, peering at him curiously, "You know there are easier ways out of the house, right?"

     "This one involved the least amount of talking," Five explained, before pausing, "Or so I thought."

     He begun walking away, hands holding the straps of the bag on his shoulders.

     "Hey, hey, hey," Klaus pleaded, making Five stop in his tracks, slowly turning around, "Do you need any more company today?"

     "From you? No," Five shook his head, before his eyes drifted to the trash bags littered around the dumpster, "Plus, it looks like you have your hands full."

     "Oh no, no, no. I could do this whenever I want, I'm just-" Klaus suddenly fell down, and Carla let out a bark of laughter, but the man continued speaking, "I'm just looking for something. Oh! Found it, thank God!" he reappeared, with a half-eaten bagel, before reluctantly taking a bite, making Carla grimace.

     "Dude, that's fucking gross," she muttered, nose crinkling in disgust.

     "Delicious!" Klaus spoke over her, obnoxiously loud and thoroughly unconvincing, looking like he was wishing for death.

     Five glared at him, "I'm not funding your drug habit."

     "Aw, come on. Maybe I just want to hang out with my brother! Mi hermano!" Five however was walking away. Carla called out his name, jumping down from her spot on the dumpster, and running to catch up, "Wait a sec!"

     Five turned around, "Yeah?"

     "Do you need any company from a fully functioning person, by any chance?" Carla asked, grinning, and choosing to ignore Klaus pathetically calling her back.

     Five hesitated, before nodding, "Fine."

     He saw a delivery man walk away from his van, and Five quickly ushered her along towards the vehicle, Carla clambering in the passenger side, the boy presumably teleporting inside, placing his bag on the floor between the seats.

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